...So Cold...

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(Neji will not be present in this chapter.)

-Begin Chapter-

It was oddly cold this morning as I walked down the streets of Konohagakure, the wind caressed my face gently, making me shiver slightly. I tugged on my scarf around my neck and pulled it up, covering my face. I held my hand over the scarf and shoved the other in my pocket. I began to ponder about my day. In a short summary, it was shit. Hinata broke up with me this morning and Sasuke is dating Sakura when he knows that he never loved her. He was supposed to be mine. I faked my emotions because of him. It's all gone to hell today, as per usual, my days are always overly somber. The best thing about today is that barely anybody bothered me and I'm satisfied with that tiny fact. I like to be alone anyways, it's not like anyone ever wanted to hang out with me anyway. Well, whatever. I'm just looking forward to going home to practically mourn over myself as I feel as if every hour of every day, I lose a piece of myself. Gradually, I'll fall apart completely one day. I hope it'll be soon. I walked down the street, dragging my feet slightly as if I was exhausted. I closed my eyes and stood still for a moment before opening my eyes again and began to drag my feet again. I thought once more about the incident with Hinata.

"Is it because I act weird?" I asked. She looked away and nodded slowly. "But it's not entirely your fault." She added on quickly. "It's me, too. I can be too pushy sometimes..." She said while clutching her chest and glaring at her feet. I looked down as well. "I understand. Go find someone that pleases you more than me, then." I said montonely. She looked up and glared at me with glassy eyes as if she was on the verge of tears. I shut the door in her face as I slid down it slowly. I touched the floor and sat in the fetal position, nearly about to cry. I haven't felt this way before. It was a new feeling. I let my tears roll down my cheeks. I raised my head and touched my tear soaked face, realizing that my clothes were stained with my tears. I let more tears run down my face and began to sob uncontrollably, mourning internally at the loss of Hinata. "...I've always been lonely this whole time..." I said between my gasps for breath.

I clenched my chest. My stomach felt like it was doing somersaults inside my body as it twisted and turned. I almost made myself cry. I can find someone else...it's not that hard, I thought. It's not like it was near impossible last time. I took deep, slow breaths, calming myself. My teeth began to chatter as I realized that my scarf had fallen from my neck somehow. I looked behind me and immediately noticed a bright red scarf lying on the ground not too far away from me. I walked towards it as I noticed a person walking my way. I bent down and reached for my scarf. When my hand touched it, it was closer to the ground as you'd expect. The person walked closer to me and stepped on my hand, walking straight over it. I cried out in pain as I watched them walk away without giving me a second glance. I decided to let this one go since I didn't have to energy to call a random person out because they merely stepped on my hand, and making a huge fuss over it will do me no good. I thought about my relationship with Hinata with one more time. I shivered and let myself slip, releasing some endorphins, rather, tears. "...So cold..." I said while I sat in the fetal position, cradling myself.

-End Chapter-

A/N, my arms, fingers and wrists for some reason are all cramped and uncomfortable.

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