Chapter Six

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CHAPTER SIX:▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬

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Aphrodite began to look all too pleased with herself as she spied their joined hands. Both of them were caught off guard as eyes trailed down to focus on whatever Aphrodite was smiling at- their joint hands. As the realisation hit them, they flushed in embarrassment and jumped away from each other in horror.

Aphrodite failed to stifle her small giggle as she observed the couple.

"Congratulations," she smiled, satisfied that she'd managed to convince them to marry.

"Hmm, thank you," Clara replied after a brief moment of hesitation. "It's just for two months so don't be too pleased with yourself."

Adrian nodded in agreement, hoping that Aphrodite wouldn't get her hopes up or become even more involved by trying to convince them to stay married. Even from the limited number of interactions that both Adrian and Clara had with the irritating Goddess, they could tell that she was the type to try and interfere further.

"I know, I know. I will leave you both to enjoy the rest of your wedding day." Her soft giggle was reminiscent of a small child as she spoke, leaving Clara to do nothing other than roll her eyes, pleased at the thought of Aphrodite not being there to annoy her anymore.

"Goodbye, dears. Have a good day!"

And with that, she was gone, leaving a bemused Adrian alone with Clara.

"So," he began, emphasising the 'o' sound as he did so, "shall we change into something more comfortable?" He noticed the way that Clara fidgeted in her very beautiful but very unlike Clara dress.

Therefore, she smiled gave him a small, appreciative smile, thinking that the next two months shouldn't be too bad. After a moment of mental debate, Adrian held a shy hand out for her and soon felt a tentative hand in his own.

It appeared that he was able to break through her defences without a trace, leaving her wary and closed off. Still, she didn't believe that love was anything other than a mix of neurotransmitters and she refused to fall victim to them for anything other than journalism. The difference was that journalism couldn't hurt or reject her in the same way that Adrian could; just the thought of it sent her heart racing. Many people do fear that anyway, but she never chose for them to be there. Reactive Attachment Disorder was the only reason for her fear and her walls. Without them, she would be happy to accept the feelings of love and warmth that her RAD kept from her.

They walked inside in silence and split off to go and change into something a little less restrictive. They spent half an hour changing and mentally preparing themselves before they joined each other on the sofa and sat awkwardly, attempting to keep as much distance from each other as possible.

Yours, AphroditeWhere stories live. Discover now