Chapter Eleven

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For the first time in a while, Adrian felt threatened. David had matured a lot since Adrian and Clara had seen him at their high school prom. Clara was always a little freaked out by him; the knowledge of his long-term crush on her was enough to send her spinning on her heels and walking in the other direction whenever she saw him around.

And then, just as Clara and Adrian had worked everything out, Eros decided to throw a spanner in the works and ruin everything. There was something in that family's genes that made them excellent at interfering in other people's lives.

A soft pattering of raindrops hitting the window could be heard in the tense silence that ensued. The beautiful fragments of rainbows that had previously landed on Clara's hair were replaced with a grey hue from the overcast sky. The weather must have felt the transformation of the atmosphere from lighthearted to strained and stiff and decided to introduce a little pathetic fallacy as it became much more British very quickly indeed.

"Clara Abbott, I haven't seen you in years. It's amazing to see you." David was the first one to break the heavy silence that had filled the room. Eros' nervous habit surfaced as he bit his nails at the realisation that he had messed up. Adrian was worried that David would do something to ruin their relationship, and Clara was just horrified to have to face David again after the little incident in their final year of high school.

"David, what are you doing here?" She spoke up, feeling a little overwhelmed by the whole situation. It appeared that people, or people who are supposed to be mythical beings, whatever you'd call them, just love to meddle in her life.

David began to shift uncomfortably under Adrian's very unimpressed gaze; it was clear that he didn't appreciate his old school friend's presence.

"Uhh, Eros came to me with a proposition, and I went along with it. He didn't mention the fact that you're together. Or married." David's eyes shifted from Clara's left hand to Adrian's and then to the floor.

That was not what David had been expecting at all. He had hoped that Clara would finally be willing to give him a chance. Instead, he was faced with a furious Adrian Kirkman.

Adrian's drastic shift in mood was somewhat amusing to Clara since it was rare to see him that worked up. Much to her chagrin, Adrian's evident jealousy cause an almost painful pounding in her chest, setting off alarm bells inside her RAD plagued mind, threatening to undo all of their hard work.

"Yes, well, it's been nice to see you. Now Eros, if you don't mind, please leave and take David with you," Adrian requested rather curtly. Instinctively, Clara placed a gentle hand on Adrian's arm to show him that she was there, causing her cheeks to flush as Adrian glanced down at her, his gaze softening as he took in her nervous and uncomfortable demeanour.

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