-Back to Hogwarts-

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a/n yes, I'm discontinuing 'friends'. I just don't feel motivated to write that anymore, sorry if you wanted it to continue-


"Harry! Have you got the letter?! We are invited back to Hogwarts!" Hermione squealed. Harry chuckled and nodded his head, "yeah.. Professor McGonagall want us back, I mean.. it has been sometime after the war.. hasn't it..?" Harry kept his head down while mumbling. Hermione frowned, "is not your fault.. Harry. Nobody expected that to happened." Harry gave her a reassuring smile and nodded his head. But, a voice came into Harry's head.

"Is all your fault, Harry."


Hermione grinned from ear to ear while frisking towards the Weasley's house. "Hello Mrs Weasley! How are you?" Hermione greeted while nudging Harry on the shoulder. "Hello there, dear. I'm fine, I supposed you're finding for Ronald?" Hermione nodded her head, "come in then, don't stand there, you know you're always welcome right?" Mrs Weasley smiled. "Oh, right!" Hermione smiled, sheepishly. She turned around and looked at Harry, "are you okay Harry? You don't look well.." Harry jerked his head up, flabbergasted by the interrogation from Hermione. "U-uh, I-I'm fine, just a bit tired.." Hermione scanned him, suspiciously. "Tell me if you feel unwell, okay?" Harry smiled, "okay."


"Hey Harry, Hermione!" Ron sprinted towards them, Hermione smiled. "Hello Ron, long time no see." Ron immediately wrapped his hands around Hermione's waist and kissed her. Harry grumbled, "really..?" Ron parted from her and guffawed, "sorry mate." Hermione's eyes twinkled and asked Ron, "have you got the letter?" Ron replied, "yeah, you received it too. Right?" Hermione nodded, "so.. Harry. Have you found a girl yet?" Ron quirked his eyebrow. "No.. I mean.. I just don't feel like dating now." Harry said, feebly. "Do you want a rest? You look really tired Harry.." Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder, "I.. can I get home first?" Hermione smiled, weakly. "Of course, remember to rest well. Call me if you need anything." Harry waved his hands towards the couple and staggered away.


(Message ; unknown, Harry)


Harry looked at his phone,

"unknown number..?" He muttered to himself.

Unknown Number : Hey! Have you got the letter back to Hogwarts? Pansy, is me your best friend if you're wondering.

Harry : Who are you?

Unknown Number : Wait.. You're not Pansy?

Harry : If I were, I wouldn't have to ask.

Unknown Number : Sorry! Wrong number, you can delete my number if you want.

Harry : So, you're at Hogwarts?

Unknown Number : Yeah, you're at Hogwarts too?

Harry : Yeah, I'm a Gryffindor. You?

Unknown Number : Slytherin.

Harry : oh, what's your name?

Unknown Number : not telling to strangers, got to go! Bye.

Harry looked at his phone and smiled slightly.

Harry : Bye.

Message read by 3.32 p.m.


"Harry?" Hermione said while knocking the door, "yes?" Harry jerked up from the bed glancing at Hermione with a faint smile. "Are you feeling better..?" Harry yawned and stretched his arms, "much better! I feel better now, thanks for concerning, Hermione." Hermione's eyes soften and gave him a sweet smile. "I'll be going to the Supermarket, wanna follow?" Harry nodded his head and got out of the bed. "Give me a minute!"


Harry keeked at the name of the item, "merlin.. I haven't-"


"Ow! Watch where you're going asshole!" The man's voice bayed.

"I'm sorry- Malfoy?!" Harry crooked his neck to take a better look at him, he had changed- his hair looks more natural, he has become less thinner and looked like a new person.

"Oh, Potter. What a coincidence seeing you here with Granger." Draco smirked, his famous Malfoy's smirk.

"Well, what are you doing in a muggle mall?" Harry shot back, trying not to splutter.

"Buying groceries, of course." He rolled his eyes.

"Then mind your own fucking business!" Harry growled.

"Ooooo, feisty Potter." Draco chuckled.

"Let's go Harry, he's just a brat like he used to be." Hermione glared at Draco while pulling Harry with her.

Harry stick his tongue out at Draco, getting back the same expression returned from Draco.

"Reverse uno." Draco muttered under his breathe.


Today's the day when it was their 8th year back to Hogwarts. "Hey guys." Harry went up to Hermione and Ron, "hello Harry!" Luna's head popped out behind Ginny's shoulder. "Hello Luna and Ginny, how are you?" he grilled them, "ah. We're great Harry, how about you?" Ginny smiled. "I'm doing fine, thanks for your concern." before Harry could say something else, a voice interrupted him, "excuse me, Potter." Draco sneered. Harry whipped his head and frowned when he saw Draco.

"Couldn't you just be more polite." Harry riposted back.

"Well, I can't." Draco smirked.

"Go find your friends or something, stop fucking harassing me." Harry stepped closer to Draco, causing Draco almost losing his balance.

"Fuck you."

"You- wait, what-" Harry looked at him, bewildered.

"Wait, I-I mean- oh, merlin." Draco pushed past Harry, while Draco's face being flushed from what he said.

"Ohh, Harry I see." Ginny winked her eyes.

"What, we're not anything.." Harry mumbled,



Hi, welcome to Drarry shipping club uwu. I do plan on writing this.. like their 8th year. :) I hope you will somehow enjoy this, bye-

-Hxrry_Dxaco signing off.

words ; 895 (including author's note.)

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