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Nini's POV

Something that was not unknown to the cast of our production was that Miss Jenn was a wreck. It was always obvious that she had things going on and sometimes they interfered with our production, but it happens to all of us. 

The thing is, it ended up interfering a lot more than we would have expected from a drama teacher. Apparently what was going on this week was that her house was being painted and she needed a place for her cat to stay because it couldn't be in the house with the fumes. So her brilliant idea was to keep it in the drama department with her while we were rehearsing. 

I found out only because I heard the cat meow and she pulled me to the side and told me what was going on, and the only other person who knew was Carlos and we were under strict instructions not to tell anyone that the cat was there. 

However, one Ricky Bowen was quite allergic to cats. But I bit my tongue anyway. I knew that things weren't going to go smoothly but I was hoping that the cat was far enough away from Ricky that he would be fine. 

I was wrong. 

About four minutes after Ricky walked into the room, I started to see it take effect. This type of thing started off slowly but it was still noticeable, at least for someone like me who practically knew Ricky inside out. 

He started scrubbing at his nose. I could tell he was starting to get itchy. I felt bad, knowing that I was aware of what was bothering him but I really couldn't do anything about it. I genuinely believed that Miss Jenn didn't have anywhere better to store her cat, and I didn't want to make things harder for her. 

"Alright, Nini and Ricky start warming up your voices, we're getting set up over here and starting with page 43!" Miss Jenn announced. 

Ricky suggested, "Let's go over here so we can run something."

He started walking in the direction of the cat. I followed hesitantly but tried to make sure Ricky kept some distance. I nudged him over a bit so I was closer. 

"You okay?" I asked. 

Ricky chuckled, "Yeah, are you?" He seemed not to have noticed his reaction was starting. 

"Yeah, yeah, I'm good. Just checking," I said lamely. 

And all of a sudden, Ricky snapped to the side and sneezed three times into his elbow. 

"Bless you!"

"Sorry, that came out of nowhere," Ricky said. 

I laughed nervously. Ricky sniffled and rubbed his nose. "You sure you're okay?" I asked again.

"Yeah, Nini, I'm fine. Is something going on? I sneezed, like, three times," he said. 

I waved my hand as if I was shaking off the problem. "Nothing's going on, let's do some warmups."

Throughout our vocal exercises, Ricky sneezed four more times. He seemed to be getting a little frustrated. 

Then we started running The Start of Something New. As I was singing I heard the cat make a noise and immediately sang louder to cover it up. Ricky looked confused but he matched my volume and we kept going. He was able to make it through the song, but almost immediately after, he pitched forward with a shaky sneeze.

"Are you a psychic or something, Nini? I feel like you knew I wasn't feeling well before I did," Ricky joked. 

"Maybe we should move over here," I said, pulling Ricky farther away from where the cat was. 

Ricky looked confused. "Okay?" Still, he went with it. 

He let out a quick cough and I was starting to get worried. He rubbed at his nose aggressively. 

"You know what? Hang on, I need to blow my nose really quickly, you keep going," Ricky said. He made his way over to his bag. 

While he was distracted, I felt like I had to tell Miss Jenn what was happening. 

I was about to walk over to her when...

"Troy, Gabriella, top of page 43, let's go!" 

Ricky blew his nose quickly and was over by Miss Jenn before I was. I cursed under my breath. I did so again when I walked over to them and noticed the cat fur on Miss Jenn's clothes that must have come from her moving her cat around in here. Then I noticed Ricky's nostrils flaring. 

Ricky turned to the side and sneezed twice into his elbow right as I walked up next to him. 

"Bless you," I said. 

"Sorry," Ricky sniffled, "I don't know why I just can't stop sneezing, ever since I got here." He sneezed once more. 

Miss Jenn frowned, "You don't look sick."

"I don't feel sick either, it all just came on so quickly as soon as I-" Ricky's breath hitched and he succumbed to another pair of sneezes. "As soon as I got in here."

I was growing worried and impatient and uncomfortable and concerned. I didn't want to expose Miss Jenn but Ricky seemed like he was suffering. 

"Miss Jenn, can I speak to you on the side quickly? It's important." I said and then ushered her off to the side, away from Ricky. 

Miss Jenn seemed irritated. "Nini, what is so important that-"

"Ricky's really allergic to cats," I blurted. 

"Oh, shit," Miss Jenn brought her hand up to her mouth. "And she's long-furred too. Shit."

We both glanced over at Ricky who was in the middle of sneezing yet again. 

"I could call his dad and have him come pick Ricky up so you can keep your cat here for today. It'll be gone by tomorrow, right?" I asked. 

Miss Jenn shook her head, "She's here until the end of the week." 

It was Wednesday. 

"I can get him allergy medicine," I offered.

"I might have some Claritin in my desk. I'll start getting everyone ready for the scene, you take Ricky to get some Claritin," Miss Jenn said. "Please explain to him and please tell him I am so very sorry for the inconvenience."

With that, we both set off to do what we needed to do. I grabbed Ricky, who was still sneezing, by his arm and started pulling him out of the room. 

"What's going on, Nini?" Ricky asked. I was shocked at how congested he already sounded.

I sighed, "Miss Jenn is keeping her cat here for the next few days. That's why you're reacting like this."

"Oh god, knowing that a cat is here makes me feel ten times itchier," Ricky said. 

"I know, which is why we're getting you out of here and getting some Claritin in you because that's what we have to work with right now," I explained. "She has nowhere else for the cat to go, Ricky."

Ricky ran his hands through his hair and then ran a finger under his nose. "Fuck, alright. Let's go get the Claritin."

We started speed walking to Miss Jenn's room but on the way we had to stop for a second. Ricky sneezed five times in a row and then leaned up against the wall.

"Impressive," I joked.

Ricky said, "Yeah, I'm actually going for the world record." He sneezed again and then followed it with a groan. "I need that Claritin and I need it fast."

We made it to Miss Jenn's office and found the Claritin. I filled up a cup of water for Ricky to take the Claritin with and then he downed it. I was about to head out the door when Ricky spoke up.

"Can we...can we stay here for a few minutes until I calm down a little bit? It's just...I hate everyone seeing me like this," Ricky spoke shyly. 

"Do you want me to go?" I asked. 

Ricky shook his head. "No, no. I-I mean, I don't mind when it's you. I hope you don't mind that I'm all, you know, like this."

It was my turn to shake my head. 

"Whatever you need, Ricky."

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