Girls - Prelude - Coming Soon

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where liam's tired of sophia's bullshit, so he breaks up with her and meets zayn, who also recently broke up with his girlfriend


or where both zayn and liam have dumped their girlfriends, so when they meet in the ymca, they converse about how dumb girls and unreasonable girls can be.


"I just need time to finish this, Liam." Sophia huffs at her aggravated boyfriend. He pulls his beanie of and stuffs it in his back pocket. He runs his fingers through his hair, and frowns as she pours more paint into the little bowl she is holding. She continues to slather the canvas in paint as his frown deepens.

"It's really hot in here, Soph, and I have dinner cooking. So, if you, ya' know, would like to join me for once, that would be great." He turns and leaves her studio. She rolls her eyes, and so does he. In the two and a half years that they have been together, well the year and a half that they have been living together, they have had lots of fights like this. Liam will do something for Sophia but she will be to consumed in her art to even notice. She will lock herself in her art studio for days, working on another art piece. She is an esteemed painter and sculpter in the world of art.

Liam just doesn't understand why she has to be in that studio so much. He just wants to spend time with her. He is her boyfriend so he has that right, or at least he should. He does go to all of her art shows, which he finds extremely boring. He stands around in a suit, holding a half empty champagne flute (which he will inevitably down and drink three or four more), listening to boring art people, talk about boring art stuff. Even the art is boring, he doesn't understand it. It's kindergarten stuff that just confuses him. It's all just lines and shapes.

"It's abstract art, Liam." Sophia tried explaining one time, "It's emotion, inside paint."

All of her bestfriends are artists. Girls who talk about which brush is better for what paint instead of which dress is the cutest (which is what Liam thinks normal girls talk about), he loves Sophia, but he just doesn't understand or love art. Art and girls, are the two things he will never understand.

Mostly Girls.

Girls [Ziam]Where stories live. Discover now