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"Come on!" Liam yells, thunking his head against the locked double doors. Some shit hipster music is playing, and he can hear Sophia grunting as she throws paint against a canvas. He just wants to spend some time with her, "This is ridiculous!"

"Shut up!" She screams, "You are RUINING the painting!" He slams his fist agains the door, let's out a pained grunt, gives up, and walks away. Is it really that hard to just stop for dinner?

He packs up his gym back and is sure to kick the studio doors on his way out, in spite. He plugs his phone into the aux cord. His workout playlist starts and Usher fills the car. He is completely calm as he gets out and walks into the YMCA. He needs a run, badly.

"No, I was just here, two days ago!" the man in line in front of him huffs.

"I'm sorry sir but the membership on this card has expired. You will either have to renew it or leave." The attendant says.

"No, please, just look, Zayn, Zayn Malik. I promise." he huffs. The attendant sighs.

"Yes, two days ago, you were here, but that doesn't change the fact that your membership has expired. You will have to renew it, over at that counter over there." Liam doesn't see where the attendant points, but the Zayn guy stomps off.

"Hello, welcome to the YMCA." The attendant says, her name tag says Brenda, Liam hands her his membership card, "So what are you doing today?" She scans it and the machine makes a satisfying beep.

"I'm gonna go for a run. It's too cold outside." Liam chuckles as Brenda hands his card back. She smiles at him.

"Yea, the temperature is ridiculous. I hate winter." Brenda shrugs.

"Eh, I don't know if I hate it. It really decreases the places I can exercise, but snow is really pretty. The rain/slush is the best though." He frowns.

"Yea, that's nasty. Have a good run anyway." She smiles at him again. He grins and walks to the mens change rooms. He unlocks his locker, his locker is in a bank of lockers next to the wall so no one is really ever near him. He likes the brief solidity before his work out. It relaxes him. The same way a run through a park in the summertime would.


When he finally gets done Liam is panting, sweating, and breathing hard. He relishes the feeling. Liam loves the adrenaline and endorphins that run through his viens after a long run, it makes him feel great.

He walks back to the change rooms, stopping to get a drink on his way. He is still breathing heavy as he enters what he basically considers his bank of lockers. He isn't surprised to see that the locker bank is empty. He changes quickly, thinking about nothing, his body going through the motions while he dazes off.

When he walks out of the locker room he doesn't see that Zayn guy get changed from swimming. He definitely doesn't see, and slightly love, the way the water droplets roll down his back. He definitely doesn't do that.

Well that's what he would tell you.


"What the fuck?!" Liam's jaw drops when he enters the flat, "What the actual fuck?" There is paint splattered on the floor. There are paintbrush marks when someone, assumedly Sophia, rubbed the brush against the wall. There are multiple colors of paint, blue, red, green. The walls are actually a tan color, so the color stands out like a sore thumb. He is astonished. What the hell happened? That's what he wants to know. He walks further in the flat, disregarding his dropped gym bag. He doesn't even realize that he dropped it.

As he gets closer to the studio there is more paint everywhere. It's insane.

When he steps into the studio doorway his heart stops. There are about amillion paint puddles everywhere on the floor. Huge, wet, paint spots that will probably never come out. Sophia is sitting on a stool in the middle of the room, meditating.

"Are you insane?" Liam huffs.

"What do you want?" She snaps.

"You have covered our entire flat in paint."

"So? The flat was drab."

"Nope! I'm done. This is insanity. You never leave your goddman studio, you constantly gossip with Eleanor, you ignore me for days on end. I am done with your shit. I am leaving." He walks out of the studio and to their bedroom.

"What?!" She shrieks.

"You heard me."

"No! NO! NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME!!" She screams. She doesn't leave her studio. Liam isn't convinced.

"I can and am." He shouts back. He walks into the bedroom, gets a suitcase, and starts packing. He is just going to pack his clothes. He will get the other things later.


It takes him fifteen minutes to pack his clothes. Then he grabs his laptop, both charges (for his laptop and cellphone), his gym bag (only because he notices it on the way out and it has his YMCA card in it), his suits case, and leaves. The only sound in the apartment is him slamming the door.


"Liam! How are you mate?" Niall says as he opens the door.

"Hellish. Is it possible that I could stay here until I find an apartment?" I sigh. He smiles.

"As long as you can help me pay rent you can stay. For, like, ever."

"Really?" Liam is genuinely surprised. That is super nice of Niall, and Liam knew he was on a flatmate search. Liam knows that Niall's apartment is three bedroom so he hopes that he didn't find another flatmate. That would be great for Liam, but he thinks it's not possible.

"I'm serious, on two conditions." Liam frowns.


"You are okay with Louis, and you are okay with Louis's, well according to him, dramatic love life."

"Yea, sure."


Liam and Niall go into his living room and they talk. Liam tells the horrors of Sophia. Niall tells him the horrors of Uni. They laugh, they drink, they catch up.

Then Louis wakes up. Louis has always been an erratic sleeper. So when he wakes up and hears talking in laughing in his living room, he is throughly confused. Niall doesn't usually have guests.

He goes out into the living room.

"Louis! Liam, meet Louis, Louis meet Liam." Niall yells. Louis looks Liam up and down. Liam doesn't say anything, feeling like he is under a microscope and hating it.

"Gay." Is all Louis says.

"What?" Niall and Liam say at the exact same time.

"I'm gay. You're gay, let's be friends." Then he plops down on the recliner.

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