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He could hear the muttering of Mister and Officer, feeling sick just listening to their voices but forcing himself to stay. He could smell the steroids Officer was taking, and wanted to make a big slash between his eyes.

"The scientists believe they discovered something," Officer stated, chuckling madly, "they think that he can connect to the one on the opposite end of the bite at will! Isn't that hilarious?"

"Truly," Mister said, letting out a weak chuckle, "can he?"

"No, that would be absurd!"


These poor souls.

Well, he normally would be able too, but without any magical energy, he couldn't do much of anything. Didn't help he was also drained physically, now hosting sunken eyes rimmed with grey from how tired he was and constantly shaking.

In the morning he threw up blood again, and bruises started to coat the skin of his knees and elbows just from the joints being bent.

Liu was sent elsewhere for the day, and he was left alone to go sneaking around.

"Who would you think the man on the other side? Maybe it's just a female demon with a wide jaw," Mister said, starting conversation again.

"I think you're right, I don't even think he's gay," Officer replied, "I made a few moves on him as a test and he didn't even recuperate them. I think he's one of those fakers that we see so much of."

"I'm not surprised, he'd be a little attention whore."

"I think one of the kids might want to have a little too much fun with him."

"Who?" Mister asked, spinning on his heel.

"The seventeen-year-old, Liu Turner I think," Officer replied, "he seems to want to be too close."

"Makes sense, all those young kids decided to turn themselves over to sin," Mister growled, "make sure he gets the treatment of criminals."

"As you wish sir," Officer said, walking away as Alfred backed up, looking over to the window where a little bird resided. He took a notepad out of his bag and wrote a quick "RUN NOW-Alfred" before handing it to the bird, ordering it to give it to Liu.

In a flash it flew away, Alfred going on with his life.

Answer a few historians questions, get threatened at the archive's, the works.

His back was bloody by the middle of the day, and the calygreyhound followed behind him as he walked to the Kennels.

'They are moving fast,' Vere said, 'they'll be here soon, you're blood shan't spill for much longer.'

"I don't have much left," he replied, feeling each step. It hurt to walk- his hips and back ached and he barely had a reason to move in the first place. He wanted to make the flowers grow- a lot were already dying from not getting cared for by Primrose- and the albino plants especially were getting affected greatly. He worried that they'd just die at this point, and the death of spirit plants worried him greatly.

He hadn't even seen the summer deity, and she normally resided in his house during the season.

He felt someone push him to the ground and heard Vere growl.

"Where do you think you're going?" the guard growled, "Going to go release one of your exotic pets?"

"No," Alfred replied, turning himself over so he was on his back "just making sure they are okay."

"Liar," the guard said, slamming his boot into Alfred's chest and laughing when he squeaked, feeling the marks on his back reopen and his lungs spasm.

Shattered Souls Make Good PetsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant