Chapter I

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How Bittersweet; the Taste

“Zaynie!” Sophie said as she ran in and hugged her best friend, “I'm back!”

Harry followed behind his girlfriend, holding four suitcases; one of which was his.

“Vas happening, Fefe!” he said, hugging her back, “'Ello, Love! Welcome back!”

“Thank you!” She grinned, finally letting him go, “The tour was successful! We brought in double what we thought we would! And best of all, Syco only wanted 40% of it, and guess where the other 60 went!”

Zayn grinned back at her, “I'm guessing it went to a short little lady called Sophie?”

“You guessed right!”

Zayn smiled at Harry, “So, how was it for you? Did you enjoy it as much as she did, Haz?”

Harry nodded, “Although, it would've been 5 times more fun if she hadn't made me carry everything.”

Sophie rolled her eyes, “Whatever babe.”

Harry kissed her on the cheek, “Well, at least I got to be with you, and that's all that matters to me.”

She giggled, “I'm glad you came with me!”

Zayn smiled at them. He knew he had quite a hand in creating their relationship, but he couldn't help but be the tiniest bit jealous. He hadn't actually dated a woman in years, and he wanted to have that kind of relationship. Since Harry got with Sophie, and Louis started dating Eleanor, Liam, Niall, and himself have been looking for someone to settle down with. Especially Niall, who was heartbroken when Sophie chose to date Harry and not him.

Still, though, Zayn wanted someone he could cuddle with, or kiss, or call everyday to say those three little words that every girl needed to hear. But it was harder than it looked. Being in a famous boy-band, finding a girl who's real and loves you for you is extremely difficult. Some celebrities were lucky and smart, they dated before they became famous. Dating after you become famous can be hell.

“Zayn?” Harry asked, snapping his fingers in front of the older male's face, “Zayn? You here?”

Zayn snapped out of his thoughts. “Wha? Oh, sorry. I just got caught up in some thoughts.” He cleared his throat, “Nice of you two to stop by. I missed you.” He hugged Sophie again and Harry offered him a hand to shake.

Zayn shook his head, grabbed Harry's hand, and pulled him into a hug, too.

Harry laughed and hugged his friend back. “See you tomorrow, or possibly later today. Alright man?”

Zayn nodded. “Alright. Drive safely, Harry. Don't kill the girl.”

Sophie laughed and Harry rolled his eyes. “I will. Night.”

“Night, mate.”

Harry headed out and as did Sophie, leaving Zayn as he had been before.

All alone.

He sighed, scratching his head and walking over to his couch, turned on the TV.

“...Syco Records' own, Claire Eastwood!” Alan Carr introduced the British musician.

Zayn frowned. Not this chick. Although...he did wonder what she'd been up to.

“'Ello, Alan!” She said, greeting him like every female celebrity would an interviewer: One kiss on each cheek while holding hands.

When she did it, it sickened Zayn. He was not a big fan of Claire Eastwood, not at ALL. She was just like every other haughty blonde brat out there.

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