Chapter IV

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How Bittersweet; the Taste

Chapter 4

“C'mon Niall!” Louis tried to convince the stubborn Irish, “He's really sorry!”

“Aye? Let's hear him say that.”

“Niall I-”

“Hey!” Zayn said, “Mates!”

Claire was right next to him, a grin on her face.

Niall was angry until he looked up.

Harry, Louis, and Liam were very confused.

“Zayn!” Niall asked, a wide grin spread across his face like Nutella on bread.

“I talked to her, and it turns out...” Zayn looked to her, “She's not very mean at all.”

Claire giggled, “I'm sorry, Zayn...” she said, “I had kind of the wrong idea about you, too...and I handled things incorrectly...”

He winked at her, “It's alright.”

She smiled at him.

Niall grinned, “Ooo, I think I see a connection!” He traced a heart with his finger.

Louis laughed, “Soooo...the song?”

“It's on! Let's go to the conference room and map it all out, boys!”

Niall cheered, “Yay! How exciting!”

Liam laughed, “So,” He began as they began walking, “any plans for later?”

“Um...I was just gonna hang out at my place...”

“With anyone? I'd sure love to hang out with you!” Niall said, “I'd love to hand out with you!”

“Um...” Zayn began, “I don't think-”

“All of us would!” Niall yelled, “Right guys?”

Claire stopped, “Guys...”

“Yeah!” Harry said, “Pleeeeaasee Claire? It'd be fun!”

Louis and Liam nodded.

Claire took one look at the two boys, Niall and Harry, that were in front of her, puppy dog eyes and all.

“Shit guys...” She sighed in defeat, “Okay. We can hang out at my place later today. How's that sound?”

Zayn's jaw dropped.

The other four cheered.

They all entered the conference room, Claire giving Zayn an apologetic look.

“Okay,” said Liam, “We've got to figure out what this song will be about. Thoughts, just throw 'em at me.” He was at the chalk board.

“How about...” Niall began. “Something that has to do with love?”

“We always sing about love.” Harry said, “I don't have a problem with doing it again, but...don't you want to try something else?”

Zayn shook his head, “There's a girl in it. It's gotta be about love.”

Liam wrote 'LOVE' on the board in all caps. “Alright. Situation?”

“A girl falls in love with her best friend?” Niall offered.

“No...” Zayn said, “No, not for this song. Let's try something more...dramatic.”

“How about...” Harry thought, “A girl falls for a guy after a harsh break-up?”

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