Don't Get In The Way

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"Okay," Linda said as she and Danny walked into the hospital. "You just gotta stay out of the way. Be quiet, and stand outside patient doors—"
"Why can't I come in?"
"Confidentiality. Y'know, how you can't tell me anything about your cases cause of witness protection something or other." Linda waved her hand, dismissing the lack or correct terms, "And I'm back an' forth between the ER and trauma. So just stay outta the way when something happens..... by the way, why was your brother at my apartment?"
"Oddly enough, he was supposed to be across the street for somethin' or other. He knew I was with you, which, by the way, he shouldn't have. So he stopped by to say hi."
"Oh. Kinda makes sense.... I've explained to my boss about you, and he basically told me what I told you. Y'know, just..... lay low."
"Got it."
By the time lunch rolled around, Danny had a new found appreciation for nurses. He didn't know how stressful their jobs really were; yet, most of them did it with a smile and a good disposition. He watched as Linda stood at the nurse's station, talking animatedly. He tried not to listen, but the mention of his name caught his attention. He looked away, pretending to scan the halls for anything suspicious.
"So you've got a big, strong cop to follow you around? How'd you manage that?" The nurse behind the desk wondered.
"I'm part of his case." Linda responded almost airily, "I can't tell you more than that." She turned to Danny, "have you been behaving yourself?" She brushed imaginary lint off his sleeve.
"Perfectly." He responded, turning towards them.
"Why don't you grab lunch, Linda? It's been pretty slow today."
She nodded, "thanks to two brothers, I did have to skip breakfast. I'm pretty starving."
"You're gonna divulge me in those details, right?"
"Ella!" Linda couldn't help the blush that creeped onto her face. "First off, you know I'm saving myself for my husband. Second off, you know I know that threesomes are gross. You only need two....... Sometimes one."
Ella giggled, "looks like you've got one." She discreetly pointed to Danny.
Danny watched Linda's face grow redder. "Come on," he lightly grasped her elbow. "I'll buy you a sandwich."
Once outside, Linda apologized. "Sorry 'bout Ella. It seems like everyone wants me to get with someone."
"It's okay."
"But I'm not gonna get with someone. Not for a while. Not after....."
"Yeah. Where do you want to eat?"
"Oh. I'm really in the mood for pizza!"
"I'm serious, Brie. I've got a cop hovering over me all the time!" Linda told her roommate over the phone.
"Uh, I can't exactly tell you. Y'know, witness or victim confidentiality or something like that."
"Well, What does this cop look like?"
"Y'know how they say uniforms do stuff for men or whatever?"
"Yeah," Brie smiled, waiting for her friend's answer.
"It's true. Man, is it true. I don't think I've been this attracted to someone since I saw Donnie Wahlberg for the first time!"
Brie laughed out loud.
"And I've seen him shirtless."
"Wait, what?"
"I couldn't sleep last night, so I asked him if he'd stay up an' talk with me. We were in pajamas. He wasn't wearing a shirt."
"I can't wait to come back! I should be there in a few days."
"It's gonna be interesting when you're here.... I'm not sure how that would work?"
"I dunno, Lin. Listen, I gotta go, but I'll call tomorrow."
"Okay, talk to you then. Bye bye."

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