Chapter 2: Back to School Again

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      The walk between the 2 places was short thanks to Tina's superior knowledge and the fact the signatures were lighting the way, Tina got there in just 5 minutes. She appeared at a wooden door; the door itself was anything special, it had curved corners and a brass doorknob. Tina grabbed the knob and twisted it, she attempted to pull the door open. Unfortunately, it wouldn't budge, the door seemed to be stuck 

'Ugh, of course, the door is stuck! This is gonna be grrrreat school year.' Tia sarcastically thought as she tried to force open the door. She glared daggers at the door, if it didn't open soon Tia would be late for orientation. 

And Tina Dot Time (Yes her middle name is Dot, don't judge.) is never late.

 Tia finally managed to get the door open after a minute of struggling with the door, all it took was her pushing the door she twisted it instead of trying to pull. She pulled her bags through with her into a nonagon (9 sides) shaped room, it was pretty much empty except for a few tables with glass vases filled with flowers.

This room was inside one of the many towers of Ever After High, a school for all the future fairytale characters-

Brooke dear, you're starting to sound like your father.

What's that supposed to mean?!

Mom, dad! Please don't fight! Let me just finish telling the chapter.

Anyway, Tina opened the door that was on the wall facing the mirror. She took a deep breath before climbing down a flight of stairs and appearing in front of another door. Tia opened the door and was met with the sight of hundreds of students rushing this way and that way, she stepped out and moved in the direction the crowd was going. Turns out they were going the same way she needed to go to the registration station.

Her mom registered her online days ago but she still needed to confirm that she had made it. Instead of waiting in a line that was going around the corner, Tia put her hands in front of her and a blue light started to swirl around them. She swept her hands to the right and concentrated, things around her seemed to slow down before speeding up significantly. Tia felt her energy draining by the second so she moved her hands back to her sides and everything went back to normal speed, she had a satisfied look on her face as she looked at the now almost empty line. She stood behind a student and waited for her turn. When it was her turn, she got her schedule, dorm number, and locker number/combo. It was all the same as last year, same locker number: 113, combo: 41-19-22, dorm: 482


Tina's dorm number had always started with a 5, not a 4. She had been in the same room for the past 2 years, why did it change all of a sudden?

Before she could even finish seeing her schedule for the year she was hit by a happy flying bullet,


A feminine voice exclaimed, a pair of fair arms wrapped around Tina, the force almost knocking her over. Tina recognized the voice as soon as the sound reached her ears, the sweet-sounding girl with a melodic voice. That was the one and only Rowen Shoe; one of the only people Tina trusted, and her best friend. Rowen had matured since the photo that was taken of her and Tina. Rowen had long brown hair, it was wavy, not completely straight, yet, not extremely curly like Tia's.

"Woah! Careful there, Rowen. You're going to squeeze her to death." A new more masculine voice had entered the conversation, a voice Tina knew fairly well. Gideon Gaston, son of the one and only Madame Gaston, and one of Tina's best friends. He was a tall, somewhat muscular boy with gorgeous raven black hair that was styled into a pompadour hairstyle and deep, sparkling pools for eyes. He was a somewhat pale color and was once asked on accident if he was the son of Snow White.

"Don't ruin this for me, Gideon. I've been waiting all summer to see, Tia!" Rowen squealed, tightening her grip on the poor girl. Tina was trying not to dampen her best friend's spirit, but she was sure she could feel her bones breaking.

"Maybe you could let go of me just enough that I can breathe?"

"Then how will I make sure you're feeling all the love I'm sending your way?" Rowen asks, squeezing her one more time before letting her go. Tia took a deep breath of air, despite Rowen's small stature she was incredibly strong, which made her a perfect base for the cheerleading team.

"How were your summers?" Tia asks the 2 of them, only to interrupted by Rowen

"What room number do you have?"

"Um...459," Tia said, having to look at her schedule since she hadn't had time before she was tackled.

"What?! We have different room numbers!? That sucks!" Rowen whined showing Tina her schedule which had her dorm number on it, '490'

"Seriously! That sucks! Sharing a dorm with you is one of the only good things about going to school!" Tia whined as well, which visibly made Gideon upset. Due to the fact, his mother raised him and he had absolutely no male figures in his life to look up to, Gideon was a bit of a softie, and hated when his friends were even remotely upset.

"How could headmistress Grim break up the dream team?!" Rowen was definitely more upset about this than Tina was. Rowen had always been self-conscious about her destiny, it wasn't as known as other stories, in fact, it may be one of the least-known stories ever. It was one of the things the 2 girls bonded over when they met each other. While Rowen had an unknown story, Tina didn't really have a story, the 2 were practically made for each other. It was a very unique (and a little sad) friendship, to say the least.

Gideon however had a well-known story, a rather nice one with a not-so-nice ending for him, and a role he wasn't comfortable with. Ever since he found out Danielle Charming was supposed to be the beast that pushed him off a building he's been scared out of his wits around her, it didn't help that before that he had a crush on her (Even though she was dating someone else at the time).

"Cause she's a hater," Tia responded, mostly joking.

"Let's not spend the whole day here talking about how horrible our headmistresses are. We should head out Book End, some stores probably are having a back-to-school sale."

The two girls agree and the trio walks off, ready to conquer the new year. Together.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2020 ⏰

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