Out of your hair

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I do not own Star Wars Rebels

Ezra's POV

I let out a loud sigh as I looked around my shared room. I then started to gather the little stuff I had into my backpack. Once I packed everything, I, as silently as I could made my way to the ramp to exit "The Ghost".

Leaving behind only one thing, a blank piece of paper and an eraser. Because mistakes like me are meant to be erased.

Hera's POV

"What do you mean he's gone!" I suddenly yelled. Panic flowed throughout my body. How could he be gone? How could Ezra leave like this. He is like a son to me, and like any mother would do I started to panic.

"Are you sure he didn't just go for a walk?" Zeb said leaning against the door. I could tell he was just trying to think positively so it wouldn't seem like he was worried about Ezra.

"I don't think he went for a walk," Sabine had a very serious tone. She entered the room holding holding something.

" I found this on his bed." She held out a piece of paper and an eraser. Kanan curiously walked over to Sabine and took what she had found.

"What could it mean?" I ask looking over Kanan's shoulder.

"I don't know, I looks as if something was written...maybe drawn on here. Its hard to tell though since it has been erased." Kanan made a face of frustration and sighed.

"Could this be from the Empire?" Zeb walked over to Kanan so he could examine it closer.

"It can't be, I've never seen the Empire do anything like this before" Sabine fret (boom vocab word!), through I can't blame her Ezra was like her little brother.

" I would have sense them here." Kanan was right there.

Ezra's POV

I ran and ran, I wanted to get as far away from The Ghost as possible. As I was running I realized where am I going to go. At first I thought of going to my tower. But, they would find me there. So I just continued to run.

Would they even care if I left? I doubt it, all I did was get in the way. But, did they even care about me? I mean they took me in when they found out I was alone. Afterwards they probably realized their mistake and were waiting to dump me off somewhere.

You're right why would they care about you? You're nothing but a filthy street rat.

Was that a voice? Where did that come from? Wait, and how did They know what I was thinking! I stopped to look around to see where that voice came from. There was no one there. It must have been all in my head. Yeah it was just my imagination.

As I started to run again, I noticed the clouds turning gray. Just my luck, it's going to rain. Right as I thought that a down pour of rain started.

"Great." I say sarcastically. I need to find some shelter fast before I get drenched.

I kept moving until I came upon an old abandon house. It looks kind if shady. But hey, why not, I need somewhere to wait out the storm.I wonder around the outside of the house to find the best way to get in. Ugh, nothing the only way in I can see is through the front door, but by the looks of it, it's not opening anytime soon. I was debating on whether I should try to find some other shelter when an idea hit me. Maybe there's a way in on the roof! I climbed up the side of the house as best I could without piping because of the rain. I might have slipped a couple of times and got hurt, but. Yes! There right before my eyes a vent, my best friend.

I carefully yanked opened the covering and slid down. I dropped down from the vent with a splash. Water dripping all over the floor from my hair and clothes. Curse my long beautiful hair it would be better if my hair was shorter (sobbing because of Ezra's season 3 hair TT.TT).

I sat down on one if the old chairs left here. I took off my shoes and poured all of the water out onto the puddle I left. I then set them off to the side to dry.

I then got up to see if this place had some towels so I could dry my hair. It didn't take long to find since this place is so small. I ended up finding an old closet filled with towels and some blankets. I grabbed one and started to dry my hair. After I dried myself off I sat down in a corner thinking about, well anything that came into my mind.

Your just a waste of space!

Your undisciplined!

Those words echoed through my head.

Your just a waster of space, your undisciplined, you can't be taught! You were never loved, they could hardly tolerate you!

That voice again, I have no idea where it's coming from. But I do know that it's right. These words keep repeating over and over in my head, to a point where its almost hypnotizing. I am just waste of space. I was never loved to begin with; that's probably why my parents left.

The voice was still in the back of my head saying those words.

your just a waste of space!

You're a filthy street rat!

I couldn't take it anymore. Those words became embedded in my head. I caved. I am I really am just a disgusting and filthy street rat! I pull my knees close to my body and begin to cry,I couldn't take it anymore. I lift up my head when I suddenly spot something shiny out of the corner of my eye.

Feel free to comment on any mistakes or. Peace!

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