Chapter 1: Caught

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Midoriya's POV
It all started with an 'easy' mission to get information. Meet the people, get the info, get out. But something just had to happen, didn't it? Toga turned the tables and stabbed the leader, because Toga said she would look prettier bloodied up. Of course, as a normal person would, the leader screamed. As I tried to pry Toga off the poor lady, a Pro that was patrolling nearby came to see what the scream was about and saw us. He called for backup and started chasing us down after incapacitating the info brokers. The heroes quickly started showing up and they quickly attacked us. At least Endeavor did anyway. Bastard burned me up.

"What the fuck Toga! This was supposed to be a nice easy mission!" Tomura shouted while running from the incoming heroes. "I thought it was supposed to be too, but here we are!" I retorted back at him while running the best I could with a burned up body. "Deku what do we do now? We're coming upon a dead end and my quirk's not working!" Kurogiri asked me for advice, while I quickly analyzed the situation quietly mumbling a bit. "Damn Eraserhead! He took my quirk away too! Take a left here!" I shouted at my friends. "Alright Deku, we're trusting you." Dabi said as we all took a left turn, me stumbling a bit then regaining balance with the help of Kurogiri. "There! A crowded street, c'mon!" I yelled seeing a busy street ahead. We are almost there. When we get there we can disperse into the crowd and it'll be harder to find and catch us all. Just a few...more...strides...!

"HAHAHAHA! FEAR NOT! WHY? BECAUSE I AM HERE!" Was shouted as our path got blocked off and we were forced to a stop. "Fuuuuuuuuuck! You've gotta be kidding me!" I complained as the one and only All Might blocked our path. "Whoa there kiddo, watch the language!" All Might and Kurogiri scolded. "Fuck you!" I yelled back. "Now, come peacefully villains!" All Might boomed as heroes closed in on us from every angle. "Like we would go down without a fight, right guys?...Guys?" I looked behind me and there they all were, laying on the ground, unconscious. "Well shit." I sighed putting my hands out in front of me, and some quirk suppressing cuffs were slapped on all our wrists. We were thrown into a cop car just in time for the idiots and Mamagiri to wake up.

Aizawa's POV
The problem children and the adult villain were put under my surveillance. The children were in the back and the other adult was beside me in the passenger seat. I was driving them to the police station to be interrogated, but they've been silent for a while. I stopped at a red light and looked back. What I saw gave me a mild cuteness heart attack.

They were all snuggled up with each other sleeping. The one with black hair was laying across the seats in the back and the one with the green hair was on his chest. Then on top of his stomach lay the blonde one and the light blue shaggy haired one was laying overtop of them all. They looked like a sandwich. I chuckled quietly at the thought and I looked back at the road again to continue to drive to the station, with the tiniest smile on my face. But I didn't quite get away with it as the mist man called me out on it.

When we got there we had to unfortunately wake them all up. We were successful in our endeavor and they all woke up. They were all a little grumpy at first, but slowly woke up more and more while we were all walking to the interrogation room. We got there and they went and sat in the chairs set out for them without me having to say anything.

"I'll be right back, I'm going to get the detective. Don't do anything bad while I'm gone." I told them getting nods in response. I left and went to get Naomasa Tsukauchi.

3rd Person POV
A few minutes later Naomasa Tsukauchi and Shota Aizawa came into the room where the villains were still sitting where they were before. Tsukauchi walked to the other side of the desk opposite to where the villains were sitting while Aizawa followed and stood to the left of him.

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