Prologue: Legends

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Before Remnants.

Before Faunus.

Before Humans.

Many centuries, civilizations and millennia ago.

There were Isu. Members of the 1st civilization. The Isu known as precursors or as those came before. This ancient race of highly advanced beings, was better than humans in every way. They possessed superior intelligence, six primary senses and to top it off a triple helix DNA structure.

During this period. The Isu bred a slavery known as homo sapiens or humans. They were fashioned in the image of the Isu and bred to be as obedient and resilient as cattle. In order to keep the human race in their power the Isu used various technologies known as, the Pieces of Eden.

Some pieces such as apples and staves, were used as mind-control devices with the ability to tap into a human's brain through a network of neurotransmitters ensuring total obedience.

Other pieces such as the Sword of Eden, grant charisma and leadership to its wielder, as well as a host of energy blasting powers. While the Shrouds of Eden are capable of extraordinary restoration and healing.

However there seem to be a little problem in the lab. As some humans were born without these neurotransmitters, consequently making them immune to the pieces' mind control capabilities. These humans were known as human isu hybrids.

It turned out that those neurotransmitters were pretty important, because far from being docile cattle, the human race were an aggressive bunch, that did not take well to the whole enslavement and sometime in 101 years later, 2 human isu hybrids name Adam and Eve led the humans in a rebellion against the isu to fight for humanity's free will. Together, they stole one of the apples of Eden and thus began, the human-isu war.

But only after a decade of fighting, the 2 races were forced to come to a hall. The isu who had known of an impending calamity that was to come.

3 isu scientists, Juno, Jupiter and Minerva, had joined forces to stay out of the war and form the Capitoline triad. With its sole purpose being the prevention of their civilizations' destruction, together, they experimented and tested the number of solutions with the most promising results being the construction of underground temples or vaults spread across the globe.

10 years later. The earth was hit with a coronal mass ejection. An eruption of plasma from the sun's outermost layer that saw the near total extinction of both humans and isu.

The solar flare that hit the earth flipped its magnetic field and exposed the planet to the sun's deadly radiation essentially burning the planet and causing untold catastrophic destruction.

Those that did survive, returned to a barren planet and the isu already fewer in numbers than the humans were on the brink of extinction.Together both isu and humans worked to rebuild the planet.

The Capitoline triad seeking to prevent this tradegy from ever happening again constructed the Eye, a planetary shield device that could be used in the future to deflect the next solar flare.

Unfortunately. One of the scientists, Juno, had other plans for the human race. Juno was what one would call an isu supremacist, she wished to eliminate the human race for daring to rise up against the isu. Juno had no intention of saving the human race, but instead planned to rule over them after the next disaster.

Discovering her plan, Minerva and Jupiter imprisoned Juno into the grey, a kind of limbo, or afterlife realm. For the isu they then built a second eye to relay their warnings to the human race.

Many years later, the isu have all but passed into myth. In the shadows of the world, there was a war between 2 orders. Brotherhood and Templars.

The goal of the Templars is order. Is to obtain the pieces of Eden to control the whole world for good. The goal of the Brotherhood is freedom. Keep and defend the pieces of Eden from the Templars. The 2 orders were at war throughout centuries, civilizations and millennia.

Until now. Before Remnant. The 2 orders were now at peace and formed into one. The Creed. Together they face the new enemy. An abnormal and unordinary order known as, the Religion. Convinced that they were chosen by the gods, and desperate to possess the Pieces of Eden.

The goal of the Religion is to obtain the pieces of Eden, destroy the 2 god brothers, the god of light and the god of darkness, reshaping and ruling the world. The goal of the Creed is to stop the Religion, save the world, keep and defend the pieces of Eden and keep the world in balance with order with freedom.

The new 2 orders were now at war to determine the fate of humanity and humankind.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2020 ⏰

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