Dear The Little Moon ( by jeremiah)

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🌙 Dear The Little Moon 🌙
You are miles away to appear
Couldn't reach you from down here
So I kept telling my secrets to this paper
I sometimes don't feel this tears when they fall
My body went numb and I'm under control by my soul
That is why you have to believe this is real
The ink has a voice to lay
I have become nothing since that day
The day we went over our hearts and faith
Buried beneath my strength
Don't try to dig cause you may break another piece
Let it be this way to stay in silence

Dear the little moon
You must be hearing while I'm whispering
As you came preaching and loving
There is a voice inside my head
I can't get nothing its too loud
Irrationally made by own pain
See I have started to call it my own
It is the only thing which has never left me alone
Dear the little moon
Nature sometimes scares me deep
Undeniable but there is still hope
It can not be either escaped or faked
I have to fight but I don't think I could withstand
I am a man but not good enough to take your hand
I am a man but weakly burned
Stacked to my past
Couldn't help it
Is this Hope? 

Dear the little moon
You only knew my pain
Wish I can be better to make it rain
I will let you know if I have to live again

You didn't have to slid off
When it was dark to me for a loaf
I'm not blaming you but I will leave that to yourself

This is my goodbye to the goodbye
Not to ever praise my sorrow if I have to cry
But I let it wash me Since I have to pray

Hope you understand
Sincerely, yours Mistreated

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