Truth is Dead

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The truth is...DEAD

a time came where everyone was lost
happiness and love were crossed
the world was left with out no clues
we start to wonder where's the truth?

covered her body with thorn
hitting her head with a stone
tied her all night in the dark
with out no hopes of the spark
untill she escaped from the wire
and burned her body with fire

they freezed her and made her starve
far from her friends trust and love
and even they hit her all the times
she never gave up to the lies

they hanged her body on a cross
for several weeks with no cloth
stared at her and laughed for long
they were so jelous she was strong

she felt the pain,she felt alone
moments passed and she was gone
leaving the cruel world behind
beyond her closed eyes she hide

and then they burried her alone
far from the world that she was born
with no one but The sky to mourn
Leading hate and lie to the throne

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