His Heavenly Touch.

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Elijah sat cross legged in his cell. The wounds on his hands were almost healing and the traces of black magics were starting to fade. 

He could not get her out of his mind.

The poor beautiful angel that lay on the floor covered from head to toe in blood helpless, was now in his hands. It was his time to try to redeem himself to gain access back into the heavens. His God, he hoped, would understand that he-who-must-not-be-named kidnapped him and tortured him into taking the beautiful young girl in front of him.

He had not slept in three days. He could not. He looked and looked everywhere for an answer to save her. It was not her fault that all angels needed soul mates and that hers happened to joined the revolution.

The girl lying under his care shivered against the cell and Elijah quickly stood up to wrap a brown blanket, given to the prisoners, around her, making sure to cover her filthy bloodied wings.

Her light brown eyes fluttered open slowly and she shuddered in the floor. Her brown hair was matted with blood and her small hands clenched and unclenched. She stared up at Elijah and whispered,

“Elijah, where am I?” her voice shook with fear.

He stood up and ran to her. “You are in he-who-must-not-be-named’s dungeon.”

Her eyes widened yet again with fear and her lips trembled. “Please help me! I can't be here! I’ve not done anything wrong to earn this place!”

Elijah lowered his eyes saddened and whispered, “I am sorry Angel Johnson...I must kill you.” A sob broke through his throat as she shuddered again and looked up at Elijah with innocent wide eyes.

“Why...? What have I done to earn death?!” She tried to sit up but her strength was drained away into an imaginary well. Her head swayed and Elijah tried to dash towards her but she recoiled from him, with a pained look on her face.

She could not believe that her teacher, the one that had taught her how to protect herself, how to fight in battle, how to believe in herself, would be taking away her life.

“Elijah...?” she trailed off and looked up to meet his eyes. “When will you be killing me?”

“Soon...” his voice broke and he looked away. 

The angel’s wing shuddered as she stood up and her head swayed. Elijah quickly caught her and she trembled against him. The old angel looked down at her. He could not kill her.

She would be the saviour of this world if there were not any good ones left. He stood up and said, “I have a plan.”

And with that he banged his chair against the bars of the cell calling the guards to him. To save her from this world. Even if it meant taking away what was most precious to her.

Her wings.

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