Chapter 1

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(Am going to fix the misgendering of Tori Bright

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(Am going to fix the misgendering of Tori Bright. Since Tori was going to be originally female but I change THEM to Non binary)

An adolescent with brown messy hair was sitting at the back of the class and gazing at the clock, hoping time would go by faster. Finally,after a while, the bell went off. The other students started to run out of the door. They sides off of their soft chair carefully, then joins in the crowd, all of them exiting the school. Kids were screaming with joy, some were saying their goodbyes to their friends. Most of them were happy, except for Tori Bright themselves.

They started to walk home, walking by the railing where they stopped to stare at the ocean. Tori saw the island in the distance. They held onto the railing then leaned forward onto it, their other hand reaching for the island. However, they pulled themselve back and looked at their cast hand, tears beginning to fall. They began to unwrap the cast to reveal their hand and They closed it, their nails digging through their skin. They held it there then they shortly opened their hand. Blood started to drip out of their palm as they started to wrap their hand back up.

They then started to walk away from the ocean's view. They wandered down a street with mostly ran down buildings. Suddenly, they saw a silhouette of a person in one of the alleyways and they stared at their. They stared back, looking into their glowing purple eyes. Shaking, they soon softly said to themselve, "please don't hurt me please don't hurt me". They started to walk once again, but without breaking eye contact with the person. They brushed their hand against the wall feeling the bumps and the rough texture, until  they felt a knob. They gripped on it, twisted it and quickly went inside the building but not without tripping over something. Within a heartbeat they locked the door then quietly peeked out the window. The person was still in the alleyway but there was a newspaper next to the door. Tori slumped on the wall and waited for a while.

An hour passed. Tori finally received the newspaper that was outside. They looked around. The person from earlier was nowhere in sight, in fact, it was quiet. They only saw the abandoned building, some of them even caving into themselves, an area with nothing built on top of it, hobos trudging around and other things you will see in a poor neighborhood. They sighed with relief before going back in their house. After locking the door they  went and grabbed scissors. They got on the couch and opened the newspaper.

Tori started to read some parts of the newspaper. They reached for some scissors that had soft stuff guided on it. They started to cut some parts of the newspaper then placed the cut up bits into two groups. They continued reading and cutting until they ran into a job posting that looked like it could be adventurous.

(if you want to give me constructive criticism, just give me it. Oh yea just because Tori Bright has )

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