Chapter 2

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Her eyes lit up but then she saw "no weak skins allowed", then she looked at her bandaged hand. Without thinking she crumpled the paper, then threw it in the trash, then she curled up in a ball and started to cry. "If I am weak then why can I do stuff just like other people do? Am just like a broken porcelain doll". Then she grabbed the coupons, put them on the table, she strolled to her room, pasting the many holes in the roof, and suddenly one part of the roof came in but she nearly escaped. Some of the roofs scratched her, giving her many cuts. She made it to her room, then she flopped on a patched-up mattress, she looked at her cuts before dozing off.

What seemed like a second later , something was already trying to wake Tori up. She woke up to her mother holding her arm while putting a wrapping on it. While that was going on Tori Bright peered out the window. The sunset behind the many breaking down buildings, she kept looking at it until she was snapped back into reality."Hey, my creative bee, we have to get some stuff to make hamburgers" her mother said. Tori looked at her mother, she nodded and then went to the front room, grabbed the coupons, she grabbed the crumpled up paper and threw it in the fireplace. She was about to get tears out but then saw her mother in her partial view and put on a smile instead.

Suddenly she felt warm loving arms wrap around her, she felt them pull her closing and Tori couldn't help but do the same as well. She started to be happy, it made her feel like she was in the heavens, and she didn't care for the little bits of stinging that she felt. "You know I love you right? My creative little bee", "Yes, of course, mommy bee.". Then her mother let her go, "Are you ready to go?", Tori quickly grabbed her bag, "Yea"! Her mother had her hand out and Tori grabbed it, following her mother as they left the house.

The two walked to the store, on the way there she looked at the ocean, however, she saw the same person again and quickly stopped trying to look at the ocean. "M-mom, we should walk faster. I-i saw someone". Then her mother freaked out and yelled out "Where", then Tori Bright turned. Her mother let go of her hand, then rubbed her head, "It's going to be ok, I will make sure nothing happens to you, even if it costs my life".Tori smiled and held her mother's hand, then the two finally got to the store.

While getting the food that they need, Tori looked around the stores while near her mother's side. Then she was about to run off, until she felt her mother yank her arm."Tori, if you stray away from me they will hurt you, I mean look around and please do what's right, for your own safety". Tori looked around the area. She saw people in bandages getting pushed in wheelchairs, then someone yelled out, "Weak skin", as they started to kick a man ."OH! Look how much blood can pour out, I didn't even get the knife out yet"! "Tch, the weak skins are all the same. They needed their mommies to save them, cause they are so weak". "If we get more of them they will all set us back,". She covered her ears, as tears started to fall down her face as she started to shake. Suddenly Tori was snapped back to reality as her mother dragged her.

While walking around the store Tori couldn't help but get the feeling that something was wrong. For some reason, she didn't feel her mother's hand anymore but people started running." RUN!!", "Hurry they are going to get you", "Oh frick, the heathens are here.", and other stuff people were screaming about. Tori saw people running to the ally she was at, and so she started to run with them. While running she saw people getting trampled "Tori! Tori! Where are you?". Tori saw her mother and tried to go against the panicking coward, but nothing else.

The moment Tori got out of the coward, she saw her mother running towards her. Then her mother threw herself on Tori. Without any warning, her mother was lifted in the air.

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