first impressions

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it was the morning of the merge and everything for the beacon hills teens had gone in as little words as possible to shit, Derek was no longer a man but a teenager who had no idea his whole family bar a few had perished in a fire also according to Deaton he now had insane healing powers when i say insane i mean a cut literally healed whilst it was being cut, and that's insane even for a wolf.

To add to this, Scott had only got around two hours sleep last night since he was constantly checking up with Deaton and Lydia and whilst he wasn't doing that he was stressing about the fact his friend and mentor was now younger than himself.

Scott groaned as his alarm blared out the annoying tune for like the fifth time this morning, he knew he had to get up but he really didn't want to, normally he was accustomed to lack of sleep since being beacon hills protector and what not was a full time job. However today was somewhat different, today was Scott's first day back at beacon hills high school since Allison had died. she had been his rock, his method of control during the full moon or whenever he just felt angry and it honestly scared him knowing that without her here, Scott might loose control and wolf out in front of everyone. But that wouldn't happen, he wouldn't let that happen Scott reassured himself he had Kira now and he and Allison hadn't been dating for months , Scott thought as he pulled his long sleeved shirt over his head and quickly tied his shoe laces.

just after he finished attacking his messy hair with a comb the sound of his phone ringing broke the silence of his empty house, Scott quickly picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID.


"hey Scott, where are you i thought we were supposed to meet up before school to look up that temple we went to in Mexico" Stiles said whilst currently perched next to the beacon hills high school sign in front of the school 

"damn i totally forgot about that, sorry Stiles i over slept a bit but ill be there in a minute" 

"jeez you sound rough" 

"yeah just this whole thing with Derek and mexico kept me up all night" 

"oh com'on Scott don't be all doom and gloom its our first day at basically a new school with new people" stiles smirked upon hearing his best friends confused "what" out of the other end of the phone "you forgot didn't you".

"the merge" Scott realised aloud "that's today"

"look you long enough"

Stiles smirked before hanging up and leaving Scott to drive to school.


new year, new school, same friends this is going to be great Betty thought as she pulled her long blonde hair into a neat pony tail. This was her chance to leave the pains of last year behind a new school ,even if most of the pupils are the same, means she can try to forget all about her fathers crimes, Jason's murder and everything that happened in between . this is the new start her and her best friends needed and they finally got it, Beacon Hills was a beautiful town and the crime rates are significantly lower compared to Riverdale although weirdly it had a creepy amount of animal attacks ending in a few fatality's but nothing she couldn't handle i mean compared to mass murderers, drug dealers, gangs left right and centre, shooters and corrupt mayors, a few animal attacks were nothing. Right?

she ran down the stairs to where her mom was sipping coffee and reading the newspaper. the events of last year had effected her mom if possible more then they had effected Betty, i mean they had been together since high school but still apparently the trauma of ones husband turning out the be a psychotic mass murderer didn't stop her from keeping up her normal poss stuck up rich woman routine.

"good morning Elizabeth" Mrs cooper said sternly barely looking up from her paper

"morning mom" Betty said whilst walking over to the previously made coffee pot and pouring herself a cup.

"now Betty" Alice started as her daughter sat across the table from her "This is your first day at a new school, and this has presented you with a lot of opportunities for example ditching your corrupt friends and your rebellious, emo, beanie wearing boyfriend for some nice and proper friends who are not in gangs or daughters of corrupt business men" 

Betty rolled her eyes and was just about to retort when her phone flashed up with a message from Jug head "speaking of my what was it rebellious, emo, beanie wearing boyfriend hes here to pick me up" Betty said to her mom and got up from her chair and walked towards the door of the room, when she reached the door she turned around smirking "on his motor cycle"

Betty then turned and basically ran towards the front door as her mom was screaming at her "DONT YOU DARE GET ON THAT THING ELIZABETH COOPER!!"

Betty just carried on smirking and ran down her driveway to wear her boyfriend was parked.

"morning babe ready for the first day" Jug head smirked whilst leaning in to his girlfriend kissing her before she quickly pulled away " sorry jug mom's not too keen on the whole motorcycle thing so we better get going before she comes out with a shotgun"


at school

"did you know this town holds the record for the most animal attacks in a single year like ever" Jughead stated after parking his bike next to what looked like a green dirt bike. both the teens looked up at the school, it was smaller then river dale prep but it was definitely a lot cleaner in the way there was basically no litter in the parking lot, They also looked around at the people gathered around in the parking lot some of whom they recognised such as Cheryl blossom who was wearing her iconic red lip stick and strutting around like she owned the place and many who they didn't recognise.

"really" Betty asked" i mean i obviously heard about the animal attacks but i never knew there was that many"

"its strange as well because its not like we're in Africa right now and we have to worry about tigers or hyenas wandering into the town and ripping us apart, all the attacks appear to have been done by a mountain lion or coyotes which rarely wander into to towns and only ever really attack when in there own habitat and all the attacks happened in town"

"what are you suggesting Jug" Betty questioned seeing through to her boyfriend and knowing this is more than just curiosity for him and really hes forming a conspiracy in his head

"i'm just saying what if they weren't animal attacks and that's just a cover up for like a mass murderer"

"but the police confirmed them"

"Betty since when could we trust the police"

the two stood in silence for a couple of minutes both pondering the thought that maybe there was something deeper going on here.

"uh oh" someones voice interrupted the silence "i know that look there investigating"

Betty and Jug head both immediately looked up to look into the faces of there two best friends Archie Andrews and Veronica Lodge.

"hey guys" Betty smiled going to hug Veronica whilst Jug head and Archie had a proper manly fist bump

"so go on then what are Sherlock and Watson conspiring now" Veronica started beaming at her two in love friends

"it doesn't matter" Betty started before Jughead could go and reveal the conspiracy to their two friends and make them look crazy " so what do you two think of the new school"

"its smaller then i imagined but i am really enjoying not ruining my shoes because of all the litter and river dale prep"

a/n i have no idea if people actually read these but like i'm sorry for the wait its been like ages but my excuse was i had to revise for my gcse's but since they've been cancelled and i have 6 months off school in isolation i legit have no excuse. Thanks for reading and please leave a review xo bye!

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