Chapter One: The beginning

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Edited on 19/02/20, due to losing the original that I wrote when I was 14. I have a rough draft, so I am merely just copying, but with better grammar. Time flies.

I have been best friends with Timmy for three and a half years. My close friend Nicky stated, "if you have been friends for more than four months, it might be a sign that you two have fallen in love with each other." Is it even true? I might never know.

*In school*":"

"Hey Marie! Marie! Marie!" I heard my best friend, Timmy call. "Aye Timmy." I met Timmy when we were still in primary school, but were not that close until Yr 5 of our primary school years.  Now we're in lower secondary school Yr 8, but in different classes.

 Before he could say anything else, my boyfriend, Matthew came running up to the both of us. "Hey Cutiepie." He kisses me on the forehead. "Hey Matt." I smile while ruffling his hair. He is the perfect height for me. I am five foot three while he is five foot seven (or more?) I do not mind it one bit.  

Timmy interrupts the both of us. "Hey lovestruck girlie," he teased. "You have met each other right?" I asked both of the boys. "Of course," they mumbled while staring at each other. 

*Bell rings*

"Oh the bell rang.  See you after class Mar." said Matthew. "Bye!" I say while giving him a kiss on the cheek.  Strangely enough, Timmy looks at the both of us with a peculiar look that is planted on his face.

I fell in love with my best friendWhere stories live. Discover now