To my younger self

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To my younger self,

You were treated differently for being you,

You were an outcast for being too colourful,

Because you didn't stick to the rules of black and white,

Because you didn't fit inside the boxes they placed you in,

Because you didn't quite fit their stereotypical idea of how you should be,

But I want you to know that it does get better,

I wished you knew that then but I'm thankful that you know that now.

I want you to know that it was and is okay to be true to who you are,

I wished you gained confidence then and believed in yourself,

That you were perfectly and beautifully made just the way you are,

I want you to know that all the bullying and name-calling never determined who you would be,

I want you to know that you're currently learning to love yourself even better than before,

And your level of confidence is a spark that's burning brighter,

But most importantly, I want you to know that you were loved

And uniquely you.


Your present-day self

- Lavender -

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