19[short story]

56 1 4

[Modern au]

"Can you imagine? Look at them.." someone whispered, making Alacar look up from his phone.

"Who?" Alacar asked, putting the device down and raising an eyebrow at his classmates gossiping.

"Helena and Romulus. You didn't hear the news?" One of the girls asked, shoving her phone in his face.

He leaned backwards and studied the photo. He scoffed and pushed the phone away.

"Its not Helena. Helena has dark hair. That photo-"

"Shows dirty blonde hair. I told you, Rebecca." The other girl said, making 'Rebecca' roll her eyes.

"Ugh.. they're still cute!" 'Rebecca' shouted, making Alacar pick his phone up again.

"Why would Helena even date someone like Romulus? Have you seen Helena? Shes a world class singer while Romulus is just a dude on YouTube." Alacar said, rolling his eyes and going back to look at Bunny photos.


"Didn't Romulus get into a scandle already?" Alacar asked, not looking up from the photos.

"Alacar is right, Rebecca."

"Then why did they confirm their wedding date?" Rebecca said, holding her phone out again.

"They what?!" Alacar said, grabbing her phone and scrolling through the article.

'Helena.. what did you do?' Alacar thought before handing the phone back and standing up.


"I.. I have to call my sister.. I forgot my lunch!" He lied, fully knowing his lunch was in his bag and ran out of the classroom as quickly as possible.

Going through his phone again, he stopped in front of his locker while dialing his sister's phone number.

"Pick up.. pick up.." he mumbled under his breath.

"Alacar! My sweet little bro-"

"Are you getting married Helena? And to all people, why the hell does it have to be Romulus?" Alacar hissed into the phone, looking around him to make sure no one heard him.

"Alacar.. I.. I've fallen for him.. You know the heart-"

"Wants what the heart wants. Then how come when I dated his twin everyone was so against it?"

"Alacar, everyone knows Remus-"

"Remus is different.. Remus will hurt you.. Bullshit and we both know that. We both knew he'd never hurt me. We both knew he was amazing and yet everyone hated the fact we were together." Alacar ranted, taking a deep breath.

"You're marrying his brother.. and you didnt even tell me.." Alacar whispered, feeling betrayed.

"I didnt know how you'd react.."

"You could have told me.. I'm your younger brother. Sure, I'm adopted but I'm still your younger brother. Sure, I wont be in the wedding since I don't want to be involved in that shit but.. you should've told me." Alacar sniffed, wiping his face.

"Hes.. Alacar.. I'm pregnant.. you dont even want to see your nephews?" Helena whispered into the phone, knowing she grabbed his attention.

"Nep.. nephews?.. more then one?" Alacar whispered, covering his mouth.

'No wonder why she didn't tell me..' he thought, blinking.

"Yeah.. I'm having Twins Ala.. you dont wish to see them?.. if you come to my wedding, you'll see photos of them." Helena bribed, making Alacar bite his lips.


And that's how Alacar ended up in a bridesmaid dress, holding a flower basket.

All for some damn photos of his Nephews.

Damn it Helena.

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