Don't trust a hoe

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      "How the hell, and more importantly, WHY the hell did you DO THAT??", Diana was enraged at Kai for only being able to help when she didn't want him to. 

"I have no idea," he said, looking at his hands, mystified.

It seemed he had laid the towel over the bathtub to cover her bare body, and somehow pushed his back against hers until she was forced up to breathe. Right when she was about to yell at him, she heard the front door open and someone wearing obnoxiously loud heels walking up the stairs. Then, she heard it, the fake valley girl trash voice that could come from only one idiotic mouth. Kai only moved slightly away from the door, not bothering to hide since nobody else could see him. 

"Diana? Hey hun where'd ya go! Me 'n Eddie are gonna go down to the mall and just hang around and spend all his money, you wanna come?", the bleached barbie shouted from the hall.

Her and....................Eddie??

Before she was done trying to understand what kind of butchering Rebecka had subjected her brother to, she busted the bathroom door open with a cruel smile on her face and a revolting amount of shiny gloss on her lips.

"Oh, I see you're busy, I'll just let Ed know that you don't want to spend time with us!", Rebecka was putting half-truths in her mouth but she didn't bother correcting her, Diana just wanted her out of the house as soon as possible. Of course, she wanted to spend time with her brother, but not if his trashy girlfriend was tagging along.

"DIANA WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO THE COUCH, IS THAT SPAGHETTI???"  Edward was shouting from the living room and Diana was suddenly reminded of the mishap with the couch. 

Rebecka went to see what it was as Diana scrambled out of the tub and into whatever clothes she could find. "I'm coming" she yelled in reply. 

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO", Rebecka was saying in the way a class does when someone gets called to the principal's office. 

Diana practically ran down the stairs to see Edward standing facing the couch, with his hands on his hips and Rebecka hanging onto his shoulder with a mischevious look. She went to see the mess she made, but in its place, an entire plate of the red pasta was spilled across the couch, almost entirely covering up the original mess. 

She was shocked only for a moment before she realized what had happened and looked up at the culprit still perched on Edward's shoulder.

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