The Meeting

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Regina you have a meeting in 10 minutes! Don't be late.
"Okay ,okay I'll be there." I dread this meeting. I have lots of them. Being your own boss has its perks. But, then I gotta stop and go through stacks of paperwork that have a turn in deadline. I'm so gonna have to stay late tonight. Which I didn't think I would have to do today. Because I have to pick my son up from school after the meeting. *phone rings* hello, Regina speaking . *Regina the meeting is about to start.Where are you?*I'm on my way to the conference room now.*hangs up* . I so gotta get a new line of work. In this meeting we have Ms.Swan and Mr.Hood wanting to invest in my company. Only , to share profit and expand the Mills Company. I'm flattered they want to invest in mine and not Mr.Gold's . Even though, my company is more enlarged and popular than his would ever be. Mr.hood walked in first and shook my hand. Hi, I said . So glad I finally got to meet the head of Mills Company, Mr.Hood said. It's a pleasure, I said. Mr.Hood , If I may interest you in my company to expand it ,and go worldwide. Unlike anything you have seen before. See this company is a social media company. Bigger and destined for greatness. Need I remind you we have written stories that come from all over the world. We take risks because we have to. For the greater good of everyone. Now do I have your undivided attention? Please, call me Robin and you have my full attention ms.mills.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2020 ⏰

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