Five: Earth

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Earth could hardly believe Kao was here with them. He had always watched Kao from a distance, but to now have him mere feet way was slightly terrifying and exciting all at the same time.

Earth smiled as he watched Kao play in the lagoon alongside Fluke and Prem. Prem had finally relaxed enough to realize Kao was their ally and he and Fluke were now showing off their abilities. One of their favorite things to do together was create a whirlpool that would spin them around until they were all laughing. Earth giggled, resting his hand against his chin as he watched their mischief.

"You're pretty pleased with yourself, aren't you?"

Earth looked over to see Boun watching him with an amused expression. He was leaning back on his hands on the large rock where he, Earth and Ohm were perched, watching the fun going on down below.

Earty felt his cheeks warm. "I only wanted to show him the Meadow. I didn't think he would try to climb the wall and get hurt," Earth pouted.

Boun threw his head back in laughter. "I'm only teasing. It's good that he is here. You're so happy when he is here and when you're happy, the forest is happy and we need that more than ever right now." Boun furrowed his eyebrows and that worried Earth.

Very rarely did Earth see the High Elemental in poor spirits. He had a sickening feeling that he knew why.

"Because the energy is fading?" Earth asked, dryly.

Boun looked surprised. "How do you know?"

"I can feel it," Earth explained. "I can feel it more than the others because of my elemental connection to the earth."

"What do you mean the energy is fading?" Ohm asked, leaning toward them, listening intently.

Boun took a deep breath. "Prem and I met with some of the other Elementals and they told us they can feel the energy if their Meadows fading. It's as if something is absorbing all of the elemental energy."

"You can't mean..." Earth didn't want to finish the sentence. He was afraid to know the answer.

Boun nodded. "We believe a Spirit of Darkness has emerged. He hasn't made himself known yet so who knows his intention. Right now, it's possible that he is just discovering his abilities and slowly building up strength. But we can't be too careful."

"We need to find the Spirit of Light as soon as possible then," Ohm said, his dark eyes full of determination.

"Please inform Fluke," Bound told Ohm. "But don't burden our guest with our problems." Boun looked back down at the boys still playing in the water. "He seems to be enjoying himself."

Earth followed his gaze and smiled sadly. It pained him that he would never be able to share his world with the one he loved.

Kao looked up at Earth and smiled as their eyes locked and Earth almost fell off the rock he was sitting on.

"Come in and play with us," Kao called, cupping his hand over his mouth.

Earth stood up and hopped his way down to the edge of the lagoon where Kao had swum over.

"It's almost dark," Earth said, frowning. "Soon there will be no sun to dry our clothes."

"Prem already told me he would air-dry them! Come on!" Kao beckoned.

Earth paused, tempted by the opportunity to swim with him, but Kao noticed his hesitation and took a chance. Jumping just high enough, Kao caught Earth by the wrist and pulled him into the cold water with him. Kao laughed as Earth came up coughing and spluttering.

"P'Kao!!" Earth whined with a pout.

"I'm sorry, Earth! I just couldn't help myself." Kao's laughter was met with a face full of water and it was his turn cough while Earth laughed.

Laughter danced across the Meadow as the boys splashed each other until Kao had Earth by the wrists and Earth became fully aware of how close they were. Earth noticed every detail: his dark hair that glistened in the fading sunlight; the droplets of water that hung from his long eyelashes; the warmth of Kao's hands that burned impressions on Earth's wrists in stark contrast to the cold water; and Kao's piercing eyes that looked at Earth so intensely that he had to look away.

Earth's heart beat so hard he couldn't believe Kao didn't hear it. Earth recognized that look in Kao's eyes but it was impossible...wasn't it? Kao had only really known Earth for a day.

Was it possible that Kao felt the same way?

The question haunted Earth that night as he lay down on his back, using his arms as a pillow. The Elementals had all agreed to let Kao stay the night in the Meadow with them. While the others were out enjoying a fire that Ohm made to help dry their clothes, Earth had come inside their little cave-dwelling to set up a space for Kao to sleep.

Elementals didn't need to sleep per se, but they each had a little "room" in the cave behind the waterfall to relax and recharge. But Kao was human and needed sleep so Earth made him a soft mat of grass and moss to be comfortable.

"There you are," Kao's voice broke through Earth's reverie as he came into the room. Earth sat up and looked at the voice and caught his breath. He realized the figure standing over him was shirtless and had to look away, his cheeks burning.

"I--I came to make you a bed," Earth stuttered, trying to get his mind off of Kao's broad chest. "I hope it's comfortable enough."

"I'm sure it will be fine. As you probably remember, I have had many a campout in these woods." Kao smiled and Earth just about melted. "Thank you for letting me stay," Kao said, looking genuinely grateful as he sat down cross-legged on the mat Earth had made. "This place is amazing!"

Earth finally composed himself enough to have a decent conversation. He laid back down, propping himself up with his elbow and resting his head on his hand.

"You're welcome, P'Kao. You're always welcome here with us."

Kao noticed the mat Earth was lying on and looked slightly confused. "Boun told me Elementals don't need to sleep."

"Oh, I'm not here to sleep," Earth smiled a mischievous smile. "I'm just here to watch you sleep," he said with a wink.

Kao lunged at Earth, laughing, as Earth rolled to his other side try to get away but was stopped with a strong arm blocking his path. Earth rolled back on to his back and froze, seeing Kao's face inches from his. He didn't dare breathe.

Earth couldn't believe that Kao was right here. He had loved him from a distance for so long, he wasn't sure how to respond now that Kao was here and looking down at Earth so intensely.

Earth knew what he wanted to do.

Mustering up every ounce of confidence he had, ever so gently Earth closed the distance and pressed his lips to Kao's.

It was the gentlest of kisses, only lasting a moment, but it energized Earth more than he could describe and made his confidence soar.

"I love you, P'Kao."

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