Chapter 4 "Ryulisa's missing each other"

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Ryujin: " boring without Lisa"

Yeji: "Whats going on Ryujin?"

Ryujin: "You know im dating BLACKPINK's Lisa? Right?"

Yeji: "Well of course."

Ryujin: "Its so boring without her being nearby me..."

Yeji: "*hugs Ryujin* it will be fine."'

Ryujin: "I hope so..."

Yeji: "Besides, Chaeryeong is bored too without Yuna, as well as im bored without Lia..."

Ryujin: "You miss Lia?"

Yeji: "Yeah..."

Ryujin: "Damn girl, shes downstairs making cookies for us"

Yeji: "Oh..."

Chaeryeong: "RYUJIN!!!???"

Ryujin: "*slam opens the door with Yeji being nearby her* WHAT DO YOU WANT LEE CHAERYEONG???"

Chaeryeong: "Calm down girl"

Ryujin: "First say what you wanted THEN ONLY ILL CALM DOWN"

Lia: "*comes upstairs* Whats going on here?"

Yeji: "Ryujin is shouting at Chaeryeong"

Lia: "Um...R-r-ryujin?"

Ryujin: "What do you want Lia?"

Lia: "Why are you shouting at Chaeryeong? Look, shes crying..."

Ryujin: "Im sorry Chaeryeong...i just get annoyed these days that i randomly shout at my bandmates"

Chaeryeong: "I forgive you Ryujin...just dont shout at me please"

Ryujin: "Talking about shouting, what did you want to say?"

Chaeryeong: "I wanted to ask, wheres Yuna?"

Ryujin: "Yuna has to be in the bathroom"

Chaeryeong: "How do you know where everyone is? Do you have powers?"

Ryujin: "I just see where everyone goes. Thats the trick. And as ITZY's Center i must be everywhere and pop out of nowhere"

Chaeryeong: "Now i get it. Thanks Ryujin"

After Ryujin told Yeji and Chaeryeong wheres Lia and Yuna, she noticed she got a message from Lisa. Check the conversation between Ryulisa.

On Ryujin's phone



Hi Ryujin-unnie. I though of us

going on a date but i think you 

cant come.


Wh-wh-what made you think

like that??? Of course ill come

because im bored of you not

being near me

Oh...ok then. Meet you near the

Kanaha High School gates.

Ok then. Love you Lisa

Love you too Ryujin. See ya

[Type a message to LISA<3                                                                                                                                              ]


Ryujin was so excited for the meeting, but she remembered that at Kanaha High School, Lisa used to study there.


NOTE from Jichu Unnie: Read@JenlisaUnnie_Akane 's I love you, You love me story to know, whats Kanaha High School(KHS). Bye everyone.

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