COPPA's Rising

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So basically this is the story about me and some YouTubers fighting against COPPA. So here are the characters.

The Game and Film Theorist
SMG4 & Hobo Bros
Lost Pause
Alan Becker
Jaiden Animation
Cleveland Works (aka Steve Jobs)

And now here's the story

"Thank you guys so much for watching and be sure to hit that subscribe button and ring the Bell for notifications. Also guys I'll be going on vacation for two weeks and I won't be looking at YouTube as well. So don't worry about me I'll be back to post my usual video two times a week. As always I am NictheGreat and I will see you all in the next video and as always "YouTuber defenders never surrender" bye". I said as I turn off the recording. "All right guys we did it, that was our 145th video". "2.5M subscribers and still going up" said Veladinsa. "Man Nick, if you keep this up, you'll be hitting 3 million subscribers in no time" said Otto. "Thanks Otto. Now let's keep an eye out for more subscribers". "I'm still kind of surprised Nick that you're one of the top YouTubers with all the other kings of YouTube" said Flara. "Yeah, that's all good Flara but I keep worrying about being taken down by YouTube" I said. "Let's just hope that doesn't happen while we are off vacation ".
Thousands of miles away, The YouTube company tries to think of a way to avoid taking down all the good Youtubers and their content. "Is this what it's come to?" yells YouTube president CEO Susan Wocjicki. "I have one question and that's WHY?" she said. "Why is this happening to the number one most watched business platform ever?!" Susan screamed at her co-workers who sat there in silence. "Because we want children to look at us as a good platform" said a male co-worker. Susan glares at him with intense rage in her eyes and then breathed heavily to calm down. "They said they could help me. They said things would get better so I signed the contract. Now 6 months later nothings changed. If anything thing, it has gotten worse." she said. She slowly lifted her gaze to look across the table at the man she was working for and signed the contact too at this so called company known as COPPA. "Mrs. Susan you have to be patient" said the mysterious black suited man. "You can't expect these things to work overnight. Time fixes everything" he said with a shadowing smile. "I know that but this 'TIME' it's all over!" said Susan forcefully. The man looked befuddled and said "Ok but why did you call me up here to your business office?" Susan then grabbed the contract she signed and said "Because this contract and me are done!" After Susan said that she ripped the contract in half and threw it on the ground. "Also, me and all my co-workers in here right now, think this is the worst thing that has ever happened to our company and community!" she said furiously. "Right guys!" "Yeah!"said the co-workers. "You made us demonetize some of the greatest YouTubers that brought this company sky high"said a male co-worker. "You made us turn against the viewers as well "said a female co-worker. "And we had to say goodbye to some well known YouTubers that we....all love!" said a female co-worker who started sobbing. "You see, almost everyone is against YouTube and do you know why YouTube is failing?"said Susan yelling in his face. The suited man started to chuckle then laugh "Yes I know why. You all failed at keeping all the good Youtubers in one spot and now it's my turn!". He then reviled himself as an evil rival of YouTube and his men in suits as Demoner . "What!" "No way!" "It can't be"said Susan, one male, and female co-worker. "That's right it's me Susan, Cleveland Works and I've come back to destroy this business once and for all" "What are you doing here Cleveland"said Susan with a nervous look. "I'll give you one good reason Susan". Cleveland walked up to her with a smug evil look on his face and got up in her face and whispered"revenge" and punched her in the face. Susan on the ground, got up and groaned from the pain and looked at the man realizing he was now the enemy of she and her company. "What do you mean by "revenge"?"said Susan still hurting from the punch. "For 28 years, our business was number one in technology, until your business showed up"said Cleveland. "But why us; why pick on us?"said Susan talking to him like he was crazy. "Because your business moved to the top; your business controlled us and now I Cleveland Works, the creator of Apple, will control you!" "Nooooooo!!!"shouted Susan as Cleveland summoned more Demoners to take her and her co-workers as prisoners. "Alright boys, let's get to work!"said Cleveland. He then let out a demonic laugh that echoed throughout the whole building.

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