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Confession <3

A Zack Lee Oneshot



I pity myself and you lovelies that had to witness my early stages of writing ☠️

Have a quick confession that is MUCH less cringe. Thank you. It was whipped up in 15 minutes, so it's rushed lol


You were ready to confess. You were so ready to get it over with, you were just too impatient.

"I, Y/n, shall confess my feelings for an idiot today." You stared at your reflection in the mirror, as you tried to gather your scattered confidence.

But you were nervous, due to obvious reasons. Half of you wanted to finally let your feelings out, but your other half wanted to hide them and get rid of them.

Zack Lee had been the one to stir these weird feelings inside of you. Did you expect it? No. But did you want him? Yes.

You were unable to describe or recall how exactly you developed feelings for him, but you did know one thing.

That you had to let him know, otherwise you'd have to live in regret if you ended up having a chance with him.

And so, with the scraped up confidence, you set out into the outside world, and tried to feel positive for what was to come.


You nervously entered the fashion dept classroom, as you tried to act normal. Yet you couldn't, because today was going to be different.

And there he was. The one guy who had made you feel like this. You were annoyed with him, but you were also happy to see him.

Zack was currently sleeping at his desk, and you couldn't help but to creep over to him.

Sitting next to him, you just decided to take Daniel's seat since he was absent today.

"Hey y/n, don't try anything stupid." Zack mumbled half asleep, his head still facing down on the desk.

"Why not? You annoyed?" You asked, before resting your elbow on the desk.

You were definitely questioning why you liked him.

"Nope, I just wanna sleep." He replied, before trying to snooze off again.

How you fell for this incel? You're not sure.

"Well, wanna hear something stupid?" You asked, to which you were left with no reply. You were tapping the desk with your fingers frantically, nervousness getting the best of you.

"Zack, I like you."


"I said, I like you."

"No way."

"Yes, way."

"I guess this leaves me with no choice y/n."

Before you could answer, Zack had already made his move. A bold move I must say.

You were left shocked, embarrassed, taken aback, low-key turned on, attacked, every kind of emotion known to mankind.

"I've always wanted to know what it'd be like to kiss you, pretty face." Zack had leaned in to kiss you, to which you were too shocked to even return.

He gave you a grin full of mischief when he pulled away, and you were left embarrassed.

And then realization hit you.

"Zack Lee."

"Yes, pretty face?"

"You didn't brush your fucking teeth."

"Awe, but you're down bad for me. Let that slide, no?"

"I'll let it slide if you can wipe your drool off my face, you incel."


I see him doing this, solely because this pretty boy is bold enough to kiss you w morning breath b/c he'll think you'll accept him, flaws and all ☠️

𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐦 𝐗 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now