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~ Vanilla Latte ~
A Jace Fluff 🔆
~ Thank you for the idea DianaPirvan0 !
November 29
Jace's POV
Just a little while more til' my shift ends.. ah, I should text Vasco and tell him to meet me in the park. Hopefully he doesn't get lost or I'll have to track him with the app.. now where'd I leave my phone?

I'm useless. Because of me, _____ cheated on me. If I had just listened to what he said, we would've been together right now. "What if he just used me for my popularity?" I thought as I felt my throat closing up. But as I continued to be in thought, I suddenly felt small drops of water landing on me. Great. It's raining and I don't have an umbrella. Well let's go to the cafe ahead of me then..

Jace's POV
I'll just clean the counter before packing up so I could go meet up with Vasco at the park.
"Huh?" I said as I looked up and saw a girl walk in drenched in water walking towards the cashier.
"Uhm.. I.. I won't be ordering anything, I just need to stay here for a bit"
"Ah.. alright"
The unknown girl quickly went to sit on the table facing the window, I wonder if she's okay? Maybe I should ask, but I don't want to come off as some perverted creep.. *insert light bulb* oh!

"Uhm.. I.. I won't be ordering anything, I just need to stay here for a bit" I quickly said.
"Ah.. alright" the handsome guy said as I quickly walked to the nearest table, sigh.. he must think I'm idiotic for coming in without an umbrella judging by the way he looked at me. I better hurry and go to the restroom to dry myself and leave or else he'll make me buy something.

~Couple of minutes later~
As I was heading to the table to grab my things, I saw a vanilla latte waiting for me! But I didn't order anything.. as I went to grab it I saw a small note scribbled in red marker on the side that read,
"Drink me, I'm free, and I'll make you feel better ❤️"

I felt as if I was about to cry again, but not before someone started walking towards me.
"Hey, are you alright?" The guy asked before I started sobbing
"No.. *hic* Im not fine at all!" I cried as he stood there, watching me, my pathetic self.
"I'm here if you need someone" he said as he pulled me into an embrace, I couldn't just stand there, I did need someone.. so I hugged him back.
"Thank you.. I just, I just-"
"Shh.. just let it all out, I know you've been bottling all that up, so let it out" he said almost soothingly, as I continued to cry

~ Minutes Later ~
Jace's POV
"I'm okay now.." she said as she wiped the last bit of her tears. Why do I feel so bad for her? I barely know her, yet she feels so important to me..
"Good, because a girl like you shouldn't feel so hurt." I said before thinking straight, wait what?
"Well, maybe a girl like me has gone through a lot in one day.." she said as she looked more sad, aish.. my heart!
"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked before she stood silent for a bit before slowly nodding.

~Time Skip~
"It was really difficult for me. I had just returned from the states, and next thing I know I see him with another girl.." she said. F*ck. I really want to the beat up the punk who broke her heart. Not that I care or anything.
"He's a piece of shit alright? Don't let someone like him ruin your image. Be yourself, don't take his words to heart, and don't let a fool like him come into your life." I told her as a small smile grew on her cute face. Oh my god what's wrong with me..
"You're right.. I shouldn't let him get in the way! I'll just focus on school for now. No boyfriends, no relationship at all." Ah.. not what I meant by that:( "...So you mean nobody?" I asked with a small pout, "Well yeah, I don't want another guy to cheat on me."
"Well you'll find someone who'll really give you the world. Don't think there's not that 'special someone' out there." Wtf?? I'm not a romanticist I need to stop with my cheesiness!
"Thank you, it really means a lot. I don't have anybody to talk to about this and I have to get going so, let me repay-"
"No no it's alright, you just looked like you were in a tough spot, and I kinda wanted to be that one dude who helps a cute girl out, you know?" I nervously said as I fidgeted with my employee hat, "Ah.. I wouldn't say I'm cute.." she said looking away, cute! "You are cute, in fact, you're beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful." I said as I felt my face and my ears get warm, "Wha! Stop! I'm not that beautiful!!" She yelled as she playfully hit my shoulder. "Alright alright! Then you're extremely beautiful!" I laughed as she got even more red, "Hmph! Well, mr. barista, I'll have to get going so here's my payment." She said as she gave me a $10 bill."
"Aha, that's a bit too cheap, instead give me something more valuable" I said as I tried not to hesitate.
"Like.. I don't know, maybe a date and your phone number?" I 'NONchalantly' said as my ears got red.
"..." she stayed silent, but when I looked I saw she was really shocked and flustered. Ahh!! Im gonna have a heartu attacc!
"Sure" she said with a huge smile plastered on her small yet delicate face.
"7:30P.M. on Sunday At the ***** movies then?" I said as i got even more excited but tried to keep it unnoticeable.
"Yeah!" She giggled, Lord help me she's too beautiful.
"Alright, well what's your name? I never-"
"It's min-y/n~" she said as I saw her waving at me with a small smile. And then she let go of the door.
As I waved back, I started cleaning the table and I saw a $10 bill with her phone number on the vanilla latte cup 🌸

Smol Vasco's POV
When is Jace gonna get here?? I've been waiting for an hour now! I'm hungry! I wanna go to our hidden gem spot! Fish Roe Place!!:((
I'll just use my telepathy and contact him that way!

Thanks for reading my second fluff! I hope I can do more like these:)
Much luv,

C G 🔆

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