Chapter 1 : The Beginning

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5 YEARS AGO......

I still remember the day Hope Mikaelson had arrived at the Salvatore Boarding School for the Young and Gifted. I was playing tag with Josie when dad stopped us.

"Girls, we are having a new friend join us here at the school." Dad smiled nicely.

"Yay, more friends for tag!" Josie yelled as I frowned at her.

"No daddy, we do not need any more people! Just us is okay!" I said as I stomped my foot.

"Lizzie, that's not a very nice thing to say! She is a nice girl. Her name is Hope Mikaelson and she is a very special girl!" Dad said excitedly.

"I love her already! I want to be best friends with her forever and ever!" Josie clapped her hands loudly.

"Hope is a dumb name! I hate her!" I screamed loudly, mad that she was stealing Josie from me already. 

"LIZZIE! Give her a chance, she is a tribrid. There is no one like her." Dad gave two thumbs up and a large smile.

"What's a tripod?" Josie asks curiously.

"He said tribrid, dummy." I rolled my eyes largely at my twin.

"Be nice Lizzie! Josie, it means she has witch, werewolf, and vampire blood." Dad said.

"She's lying! That's not real!" I crossed my arms and pouted, surprised my dad believed it.

"No Lizzie. She is telling the truth. Just get to know her, I promise you will love her." Dad said as he holds out his hands for Josie and me.


"Hey girls, how are you today?" Hope smirks extra insufferably today.

"We're okay, thank you for asking." My twin replies politely.

"Ugh, there's that Tripod loser again. I hate her so much." I groan as Hope passes by us in the dining hall.

"Lizzie! You know it's tribrid. Don't be mean!" Josie frowns.

"That's not mean." I roll my eyes dramatically. I swear, my sister is too nice sometimes.

"You want to see mean?" I say suddenly as Hope sits down with her tray at a table across the room. 

"Not real-" Josie starts to say before I cut her off with a loud "SHHHHH!"

Without thinking, I grab a large handful of mashed potatoes and throw them towards Hope. They go flying through the air and hit her smack dab on the forehead. 

Hope's jaw drops in shock and her dark eyes meet mine instantly. I feel a shock of electricity go up my spine and I am instantly frozen. 

Penelope stands up next to Hope and I think she is about to hex me or something when she throws a chicken leg and yells "FOOD FIGHT!!!"

Soon, everyone is screaming and running and throwing food and the cafeteria is a MESS.

I duck and hide under a table, not wanting my outfit to get ruined. I didn't think this would happen. I think I'm safe until Hope suddenly appears in front of me. 

"Hi there. Funny bumping into you here." she laughs, starting to crawl on the floor.

"Ewwww, get away. I don't want to breathe the same loser air as you." I start to crawl backwards, disgusted.

"It's okay Lizzie. You can admit you have a fat crush on me and you just wanted my attention." Hope grins wickedly as she crawls closer and closer to me.

"NO!! THAT'S NOT TRUE. I'M NOT GAY!!" I yell out, tears forming in my eyes. 


"Kristen St-" I start to say but suddenly stop myself. Crap. I didn't mean to say that!! Where did that even come from? I am NOT into girls. I'm really not. Sure they are pretty and smell good but that is all.

"I knew it!!" Hope grins largely.

"W-what? You don't know anything! I was about to say Christian Stark." I try to come up with an excuse.

"Who is that?" Hope asks, sounding as confused as I feel at the moment.

"You don't know him, he's a very handsome man." I fake a dreamy smile.

"Okay. So you don't want to kiss me?" Hope frowns.

I pretend to throw up a little in my mouth. "Don't be disgusting." I say.

"Don't make fun if you have never tried it." Hope says, quickly closing the distance between us. 

She crashes our mouths together and it feels so good. The screaming of everyone around us covers our loud moans. She is actually a really good kisser, definitely better than all the boys I had kissed before. 

I suddenly realize this is HOPE MIKAELSON, a GIRL, my ENEMY that I am kissing and that it is so WRONG. I scream as loud as I can, not realizing I had activated my magic. Suddenly, everything is pushed away from me, including Hope and the table that was covering us.

"Lizzie?? What is the meaning of this?" Dad shouts angrily, motioning to the extremely messy room.

"I didn't mean to daddy!! I promise." I say, tears rolling down my face.

"That's not true Dr. Saltzman! She started it. She threw potatoes at my face!" Hope yells out. I hate her so much. Why is she like this?

"Yeah, well you deserve it!" I snap back suddenly.

"Lizzie and Hope, detention for the both of you! You will learn teamwork and friendship while you clean this mess up!" Dad yells.

"B-but-" I try, upset at the idea of spending alone time with Hope.


"Well, looks like it's just us two then." Hope smirks and I want to punch her in the face.


Flustered by My Crush (... I Mean Enemy)Where stories live. Discover now