Chapter 2 : A Wish Your Heart Makes

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"You're so hot. I'm glad I got you to sneak out with me." The hot, redheaded guy says to me before leaning in to kiss me.

I push him away before looking at him again. "Remind me who you are again?"

"Christian. Christian Stark, remember?"

"Oh. I think so? Oh well." I shrug before we ram our lips together again. He is a very good kisser and I could imagine doing this for the rest of my life.

"HEY, WHAT ARE YOU TWO DOING OUT HERE?" I hear a loud, scary voice yell.

"Ugh, annoying. Who is it?" I roll my eyes.

"It's past curfew. You two aren't supposed to be in the woods right now. I'm going to alert Dr. Saltzman about this." The approaching voice says.

I look up and I see one of the ugliest things I've ever seen in my entire life. It is a purple troll looking thing in a police uniform? It has one eye though.

"You're really ugly. You might want to fix your face before you go."

"Excuse me??" The monster says.

"Yeah, I'm talking to you." I reply sassily.

"Wait a second." She flashes her light at me and Christian.

"THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE!!!!" she roars out.

"What? It's not that big of a deal." Christian says next to me.

"WE HAVE A CODE UNICORN. I REPEAT A CODE UNICORN." she yells into a walkie talkie

"What the fuck is a code unicorn?" I frown.

"You're calling me ugly? At least I'm not a flaming HOMOSEXUAL!!" she growls.


"Who's Christian babe?" I hear as strong arms wrap around my waist.

Wait a second.....

I turn around and am face to face with the tripod loser herself!!

"WHAT THE!!!! WHAT HAPPENED TO CHRISTIAN!" I scream as I back away quickly.

"Who is Christian? You've been kissing me the whole time, you silly, sexy gurl." she says in a deep voice.

"That's not true, I'm straight." I say, as tears start to fill my orbs.

"Don't lie!! You were caught in the act with your tongue down a girl's throat." the Barney colored thing says as she squints her one eye.

"And not just any girl, her girlfriend!" The tricycle loser says as she jumps up and down happily as she claps her hands.

"You are not helping HOPE. Stop spreading lies about me!!! I'm a proud heterosexual and I know it." I say, tears pouring down my cheeks.

"You two lovebirds are going to go to a very special place to get the help you need to be normal again." The Cyclops smiles largely and I can barely see her through the gallons of H2O flowing out of my seeing holes.

"As long as we are together I am happy." The tri-tip girl says through tears of joy.

A bunch of things that look like the purple officer start to surround us. They're all so ugly, even in the dark forest.

"Our love will get us through this." Hope says as she holds my hand tightly.

"Officer, please this is a mistake. I'm sorry I called you ugly. You're okay to someone. Maybe. If they had zero eyes." I ramble out.

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