Blue fur and a blue heart

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We sat on the couch together.
We had had this couch ever since we lived together. It was kinda broken but heartwarming that he still kept it after all this time.
"You wanna talk about it?"
"I screwed up man. I loved her so much and she's gone." My voice started to shake. I took a moment and inhaled. "I-I bought the car."
I looked over to Sully but his expression didn't change. Just the same kind, understanding look.
With Sully around I didn't feel scared. I could say anything and he would never judge me.
"Like I said Mike, we all mess up sometimes. You're only monster, after all."
I didn't say anything.
"Hold on."
He got up and didn't come back for a while. I just heard him clutter around for a bit. He came back with a goofy smile and two controllers. I smirked and sat myself on the floor waiting for him to set the whole thing up.

It felt so nostalgic. Although I was still hurting I was enjoying the moment. It was warm and it felt like my heart was rising. And although the wooden floor was kinda hard I felt cosy. Sully was the person I trusted most in the world. He knows I had been an asshole and screwed up and he still offered me place to stay. Again, it was so nostalgic. I remember when we lived together. Most of the times we had together were so funny. I loved that feeling of uncontrollable laughter, when you think the moment can't get anymore better and it does. It makes me smile thinking about it actually. When you feel so glad you met this person
Like you got too lucky. Like he's out of your league almost.

Sully paused the game. It shocked me more than it should have done. It was just because of that I was in such stance, in the zone I guess. I dart my eyes over to Sully. He's looking at me really funny for some reason.

"Stop it." Sully laughed a little.
"Stop what?" I smiled ,confused.
His tone was very strange. He never used it with me before.

"Stop making me want to kiss you."

I kinda sat there for a moment.
Shocked that he actually said that and shocked that I didn't see it coming.

"Sully are you serious?"
"Oh, oh my god I didn't actually mean to-"
"No. No actually, fuck you Sullivan."
I shot up, my fists clenched.
"Wait. Oh my god." I laughed.
The expression on his face was unbearable but I wasn't sorry.
"Did you actually think you could fuck me on the same day I got dumped?"
"Mike, come on please I'm sorry."
"No you fucking inconsiderate piece of shit!"
As I tried to walk out he grabbed my hand.
He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out. I tugged away and ran.

It was raining heavily  I could barely see. I ran under a bus shelter for cover. The only thing illuminating me was the street lamp.

How could he do this to me?
After all we've gone through together? I was so angry.
We had been together for so many years and now? He just felt like a stranger. Someone I'd just see on the streets, walking past.
I started to sob, my head in my hands. It felt like I lost everything. Ceila, Sully.

I could barely see Sully but I knew he was running after me. I pushed myself off the bus shelter seat and stared to walk away.
"Please Mike please. I beg you stop."
I stopped with my back towards him.
"Mike I didn't mean it to come out like that. I know it's hard to believe and I respect your relationship between you and Ceila." His voice was muffled by the rain.
"But I love you Mike. I know you don't feel the same but I want you to know the truth. Mike?"

"I thought I could trust you. Goodbye Sullivan."
I started to walk away. I didn't know where I was going but I was going there."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2020 ⏰

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