Chapter 3

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Clementines POV;
"What the fuck?" Sophie said.
My heart dropped from me seeing this random chick, sitting on Minerva's lap about too kiss her, Let's just say we walked in at the right time.
"Get the fuck off me!" Minerva shouted.
"Tsk... don't act like u didn't enjoy it" Macei said.
We watched as Macei got off Minerva and started too walk out the change room, while walking pasted me she shoulder bumped me. I just rolled my eyes and looked at Minerva.
"You got an explanation?" Sophie asked.
"Yes, I-" Minerva was about too start talking, when the announcements came on.

"ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS. THIS IS A LOCK DOWN. I REPEAT THIS IS A LOCKDOWN. Lock your classroom doors and make sure all students are in there home room classes right now, I repeat this is NOT a drill."

The announcements turned off, my heart was beating so fast I wasn't thinking right. There was a loud thump come from the change room door, we all looked at it in fear as we saw 2 figures run in and lock the door.
"Ah shit.." Violet mumbled.
"Vi!" Sophie said while running too her to hug her.
Louis was also there too while putting his hand on his heart. Louis looked at me then smiled with a wave, I nervously waved back scratching my head.
"Alright, we needed get the fuck out of here! You heard the announcements, this isn't a drill."
Minerva said.
"Well.. lets start planning."
I said while sitting on a bench, Minerva & Louis sat beside me, while Sophie & violet were on the other side. We all started too make a plan too get out off the school, and back home.

An hour later
I checked my phone as the time said, 12:01.
It's been an hour.. we've got our plan set, I mean.. it's not really a plan, because the only that's there is,
"When we see something or someone, run and get too the exist."
I know stupid plan right? But it was our only chance. Louis slowly opened the door, and peeked outside too see if anybody was there. He looked back at us and nodded. We all started too make our way out of the change room. I was the last one so I was kinda scared, Minerva was in front of me she's so fucking tall..
Anyways.. after what seemed like 5 minutes, we were in the second hallway, our exit was the 3 hallway which was one more level. Sophie slowly opened the door and left it open for us too walk out. I wanted too look behind me or look around because.. ya never know if someone's following us. I was the last one so I turned around and looked at the very end of the hallway. The hallway was really... long, when I looked I saw... a figure? I thought it was nothing so I left it alone.
"Earth too clementine?"
Violet said.
I pointed at the end of the hallway, as violets eyes widened.
"He's coming.."
Violet whispered. All of us were confused, what did she mean? I looked at violet as she was frozen in shock, when she started too lift her arm up and point down the hall. I looked back at the end of the hallway and almost passed out.

"He's coming..."

Sorry. I got lazy in this chapter so I'm deeply sorry if it isn't good enough. Instead of doing a full on story, can u guys give me ideas too do?
Thanks a lot! Signing off ;)

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