Chapter one

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Picture of Electra ^^


Chapter one


'Run, don't stop,' I kept telling myself. My legs were moving pretty fast since all I saw was a blur. The wolves that chased me were right behind me and I decided to pick up my pace. The fallen leaves made everything look orange and crimson, the crisp leaves made a scrunch underfoot and the cool breeze soon overwhelmed the growls and they became more and more quiet as the distance between the wolves and me grew.

It was the third time this week they caught me hunting. I mean it's not like they are starving or anything, but werewolves never liked cheetah shifters.

The legend says, that the conflict began when our goddess, Artemis, selected a few of her most loyal huntresses and gave them the ability to transform into a creature which had lightning speed, a cheetah. Luna, on the other hand, had created the werewolves long before Artemis. The werewolves acted like they were superior only because their race was older. That pissed off the cheetah shifters. The fact that Artemis was handed down the responsibilities of being the moon goddess which were taken away from Luna, didn't help. Luna was angry, devastated and commanded the werewolves to exterminate the cheetah shifters.

When the barks fainted, I could finally slow down. I lightly trotted down a hill which was dotted with blue roses;a single oak stood strong on top of it. The grass softly brushed against my paw pads, tickling them a little, my heartbeat slowed down to a normal speed, my golden fur was all messy and full of pieces of leaves.

The pleasing sound of running water filled my eardrums as I trotted into a clearing. A river ran through it, its water was crystal blue and you could see the fish swimming. I leaned forward, the cold liquid touched my nose and I stared at my reflection.

I always wanted to try fishing;I wasn't very good at it as a human, so maybe I would be better at it as a cheetah. I crouched, ready to dive in any second as soon as I see a fish.

There! A bass swam peacefully in the river, its scales glimmering in the sunlight. Too bad it was about to die. I was moments from diving into the river when suddenly, my lungs filled with a strong scent. Several scents actually. My eyes slightly widened. The Legendary five...

Zharos, Onyx, Fleur, Vulnus and Azriel the heartless. The Alphas of Alphas. I was in shock and didn't know what to do. Should I run or...

Suddenly, a loud crack of a branch filled my ears.

My head flashed in the direction of the crack but the only thing I saw was a pair of blood red eyes, gazing into my deep purple ones.

It was like a dream. I couldn't move, couldn't think straight. I was controlled by some kind of need to make physical contact with whoever stood there.

The sun came out of the clouds and I finally saw that the red eyes belonged to a magnificent cream coloured wolf. He stood still, the wind ruffled his thick fur. When I saw him, I almost started jumping from happiness. If I would only know why...

He stopped and now we were so close that I could feel his breath, hear his heartbeat, our snouts almost touched and I felt my whiskers tickling his nose. Seconds ticked away and he said nothing; neither of us moved from our spots.

I've never felt like this before and this was so weird to me. Finally, he broke our eye contact by walking past me, his soft fur brushed against mine, sending tingles all over my body. I guess he felt them too because I saw him tense, his muscles rippled under his dark pelt as he bared his canines and scanned the clearing cautiously, looking for any kind of trouble. Something was wrong.

"Kill her!" A growl came from up the hill. "I'm sick of chasing her," A small and lean she wolf groaned. Her fur was dark;her snout was bloody and a red stripe went along her back from her neck to her shoulders.

Fleur, the red death. When I was little, my dad used to tell me stories about the Legenary Five and Fleur was always the villain. The she wolf had slayed more cheetah shifters than any werewolf. She took my mind off the crave to touch Azriel again.

Azriel turned to face Fleur and stood still in a defensive stance. Was he protecting me or was he just waiting for her to attack me because he didn't want to get his hands dirty? My heart skipped a beat when she groaned and broke into a run down the hill, the red line on her back aflame;the flames grew bigger with each of her strides. Told you she was dangerous.

I tucked my tail between my legs and slowly backed away but I bumped into something furry. I turned around to see what it was and I didn't believe it.

Zharos the merciful. I guess he wasn't in the mood to live up to his name since he bared his fangs and growled at me, his golden eyes turned a few shades darker as he stared at me. If looks could kill, I would be dead right now.

I lowered my head and walked back to Azriel since he was the only one who wasn't mad at me for no reason.

"Alpha Zharos, Alpha Fleur, stand down. " Azriel spoke in a commanding tone, making Fleur come to a stop, though she pinned her ears and crouched into a battle stance, furious. "You don't command me, Azriel!" She bolted forward and leaped onto Azriel, her sharp metal claws dug deep into Azriel's back, easily cutting through the fur.

All out of the blue, I felt dizzy and tired;my body hurt. I collapsed on the ground, slowly sinking into the darkness, losing my consciousness.

I'm sorry this is so short, I promise the next chapter will be longer :)

OK, love you, bye!

If you want, vote and comment! I read all comments and if I don't reply, it's because I was busy at the time.

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