Chapter two

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Picture of Fleur on the side ^^


Chapter two


I awoke groggily, only to find myself laying in a puddle of some sticky liquid, shivering. The melting snow felt nice against my hot skin. I rubbed my eyes open and looked around, trying to figure out where I was. The place looked so familiar. The paintings of wolves and humans on the hard cave walls, I have seen them before. A faint memory, that was all they were.

I was a mess. My dark brown curly hair was full of crisp yellow leaves and tiny sticks. I shook my head to get them out, but it was no use, I still looked like a caveman. Even my clothes were torn and dirty. Last night was a blur. All I remembered was Fleur's metal claws slicing through Azriel's chest.

"Azriel..." I whispered his name. It ignited some kind of fire inside me, pushing me to search for him. A fire that grew bigger with each passing moment.

I lingered in the dark cave for a while, staring at the walls that kept me from the outside world. It was near to magical, the silence, the feeling of safety which was rare to me. I was always on the run, cautious of any werewolves, but still reckless at the same time.

"Where is she?" A feminine growl broke the silence, echoing through the cave. My eyes widened and fear enveloped them, taking away my voice. I pushed myself from the ground into a sitting position, my heart racing. Did I somehow survive Fleur only to die from her wrath the next day? Trying to be quiet, I stood up and suddenly pain shot up my right ankle and of course, it was sprained.

"Oh f*ck it," I groaned as I limped towards the entrance of the cave, holding back my inner cheetah. I couldn't shift now, it's too dangerous since Fleur is somewhere out there, waiting for any kind of sign that would reveal my location.

Suddenly, the fallen leaves by the entrance of the cave scrunched as a guy walked into it and my eyes immediately locked on to him. He had bright golden eyes under bushy eyebrows and a straight-edged nose. His strong, masculine jaw lined a pair of soft and tender lips. His bronze messy hair framed his high cheekbones along with a low forehead. He had the looks of a model and the heart of a wolf.

"Fleur! I found someone," He called Fleur, motioning for her to come. I quickly looked down, allowing my dark curls to fall on my face and mask my bright purple eyes.

Fleur's human looks were nothing like I imagined. She was like a perfect barbie doll. Her long curled blonde hair framed her delicate and feminine heart-shaped face. Below her blonde arched eyebrows, were her eyes which were a mixture between a rich hazelnut and dark blue. She had full and cherry lips along with a feminine chin.

"Who is this? What happened to her?" Fleur questioned and looked at me. Her voice was high-pitched, demanding and kind of annoying but girly at the same time.

"I found her like this," The guy said defensively, looking at me. I felt his gaze move lower to my collarbone and neckline. Perv.

"I know that you idiot, you were with me the whole time," Fleur walked past him, approaching me. Her light emerald high heels made a sharp sound as she walked on the stone terrain of the cave.

"B*tch," He snarled and dug his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Fleur rolled her eyes and continued walking towards me, her look becoming softer with each step she took. Did THE Fleur actually have feelings?

"Who are you?" Fleur asked me in her usual demanding voice. She spoke fast and raised her eyebrows, waiting for an answer.

I gulped and glanced at her through my dark curls. "Vulnectre," I spoke quietly, pausing between the syllables. I had to lie, I had no choice. There is a rumor that Fleur can tell whether you're lying or telling the truth.

Fleur's eyes narrowed and I guess she could tell that it wasn't my real name, but she only nodded and went with it.

"Well come here and let's go, I don't have all day," she crossed her arms over her chest and watched me as I slowly limped towards her and the guy who just stood there like a total creep.

"So, what happened to you?" Fleur questioned as she glanced at her phone to see how she looked. So yeah, I didn't expect the only female Alpha that was in the legendary five, to be a playgirl. I presumed that she would be a badass that can fight better than all the guys and earned their respect. Guess I was wrong.

"I can't remember... It's like some kind of fog hid my memories away and my head is close to empty now," I responded, the distance between us became smaller and smaller.

"Azriel can judge if you're lying of not, so until we get you to his pack, you are welcome to stay with us," Fleur offered, turned and stormed out of the cave which hid many secrets including a puddle of blood. "Onyx, lead her to our pack," She commanded the guy who I assumed was Onyx.

"Alright, bye," Onyx spoke and waved to Fleur. His voice was low and manly and somewhat husky. A force appeared out of nowhere, pushing me towards him, the same need that appeared when I first saw Azriel.

Onyx turned his head towards me, his eyes suddenly became a shade of darker gold, lust sparkling in his eyes like the stars that were above us. His soft lips formed a soft smile as he tucked one of my curls behind my ear and carefully placed his strong hand on the back of my neck.

My heart started to race, I did not know what to do. What was he thinking, wasn't he mated to Fleur? Didn't they lead a pack together? These questions kept me on edge as he gazed into my purple eyes.

"Onyx, what are yo-" I spoke nervously but he cut me off, his tender lips crashed against my rosy ones and waves of tingles rushed through my body, I ran my hand through his bronze hair, ruffling it.

A wild growl broke the silence and I felt Onyx pull away. The growl was full of fury and so was the beast who stood at the entrance of the cave. His ears were pinned, his fur was bristled and fury gleamed in his eyes. He bared his bloody canines at us and I saw Onyx watching him, confused.

But I knew who it was.

Well hello again loves! Here I am, with another chapter of Shifters ^^

Let me know in the comments what do you think?

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