Chapter three

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Chapter three

~So it's gonna be forever, or it's gonna go down in flames?~


His eyes didn't show any emotions, only rage. The rage seemed to radiate off of him, like waves of heat. But he stood still, in a battle stance, ready to attack when given the opportunity. His gaze was fixed on me, making me slightly uncomfortable but curious about what his next move will be.

"So, are you just going to stand there like an asshole, I'm in the middle of something here," Onyx broke the silence with annoyance in his voice. Azriel didn't seem to care about his words, his gaze remained fixed on me and I couldn't keep my eyes off of him. Onyx's eyes darted from me to Azriel several times and he was as confused as he was reckless.

"Well it was lovely seeing you, Vulnectre," A sound of clothes ripping apart followed after the words and I took my eyes off of Azriel, only to find an auburn wolf that could almost match Azriel in size, which was rare. The wolf took off after Fleur, dashing out of the cave in a split second, leaving me alone with the wolf that I was scared of, but attracted to at the same time. His speed was incredible and I couldn't help but admire him.

"Why are you here?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. It was one of the colder autumn days, and the northern wind didn't make it any better.

My words seemed to affect him in some way. He walked towards me, coming closer until I could feel his breath. I didn't know if I was so short or if he was just plain huge, but his wolf was about the same height as I was, if not taller. I didn't know what to expect, was he about to bite my head off, or do something gentle?

I was on edge but his presence was calming, relaxing. His golden eyes weren't full of rage anymore. The rage was replaced by curiousness and... admiration?

He lowered his head, and touched my palm with his snout, trying to move it upwards. I placed my hand on his forehead and gently brushed through his soft fur with my fingers several times. His cream fur felt nice against my skin and I continued petting him like he was my own puppy. To be fair, he did look like one overgrown giant puppy wolf.

Moments passed and we still sat there, me petting the Alpha of Alphas. Suddenly, he stiffened, his frame seemed to grow a little.

"Don't get any funny ideas, like running away or hurting me. Do not think you have the power to do so. What happened in the clearing was a mistake, I've let my instincts and my wolf take over and place you before anything. It was a mistake I've made because of this attraction to you. This crave to touch you, to feel your skin against mine. I will not let one little female cat ruin everything," A manly and low voice spoke in my mind and it was like a wake up call. I've fallen for this wolf, I haven't even seen him as a guy, as a human.

How could I have been so foolish? They are wolves, they care about their own. Outsiders and rouges are dead to them. This cold beast was just another dog, not an intelligent creature who could be gentle, caring. Was he even capable of loving someone?

Azriel didn't move his head away so that I wouldn't touch him, no. Instead, he blinked and gazed looked up, gazing into my eyes.

"What have I done to you? What did I do to cause you to despise me?" I asked, desperate for an answer. He had admitted that he felt the attraction too, so why was he pushing me away? If this attraction was truly some kind of a mate bond or anything close to that, if Artemis and Luna destined us for eachother, it was our job to care for one another.

"I don't despise you, but if we are truly meant for eachother, our paths will cross again. Luna has a way of making lives bend to her will. Until then, little mate," He blinked once again and before I could open my mouth, he was gone. Just like that, he left me.

I didn't get him. One day, he was ready to go against Fleur for me, and the next one he left without an explanation why. My feelings were mixed. A half of me wanted to despise, utterly hate Azriel. The other cared for him and wished to run after him.

I've heard stories about mates getting rejected without a reason, about knowing this person was your mate right when you see them. This was different. There was no rejection, he never told me that he rejects me as his mate. Those three little words that could cause so much damage to a person's soul were never spoken.

So was he going to avoid me for the rest of our lives? He could, but like he said, Luna has a way to make things happen. I was sure we would see eachother again, maybe sooner than I thought, but I wanted him here with me. Right here, right now.

"I'll be closer than you think," He spoke softly, igniting hope inside of me. As much as I wanted to hear his voice more, I shut him out, didn't allow him to speak with me. Why would he mix signals like this, he left me and now, he gave me hope, no one does that!

Until then, little mate. These words kept playing on repeat in my mind. Was he really my soulmate, my other half? And if he was, why was he fighting fate?



Soo, I decided to give you guys some Azriel and Electra bonding moments, but Azriel just had to ruin it all:/

Anyways, I have an annoucment to make!

As soon as I get the cover for my new book, The Beta, I will upload the prologue! I am really excited to write this new book and it will show a slightly darker side of werewolves. Azriel, compared to those werewolves is a good boy :)

Until next time :)


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