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For three days, rain fell from the blackened sky. Little to no no light penetrated through to the sodden ground below. Even with her oilskin cloak wrapped tightly around her, and all the rain from the last few days, she was soaked down to the bone. Water dripped from her nose as her slate gray horse trotted across the open land. She had no idea where she was headed, but anywhere is better than where she was coming from she thought to herself.

Her eyes saw a sight she hadn't seen in a long time. Light. Bright yellow light. It wasn't from a fire, so maybe an oil lantern? As she approached, a harsh voice called out above the wind, "Halt!"

The girl's horse slowed to a stop and waited for him to come forward, "who are you? And what business do you have crossing into Nathora?" The man called out.

Silently she removed the hood of her cloak, caramel colored hair spilled over her shoulders, her pale face glowed in the flickering fire light, and her green eyes sparkled with anticipation.
A sharp gasp was barely audible over the steady patter of the rain. "Princess Harlow, forgive me," he bent down to bow.

"Stand," she hissed, looking into the never ending darkness. "I need you to deliver a message," she continued when he nodded. "Tell King Edvard that-" Harlow stopped short, unable to breathe, so now it sets in, four long days and it sets in now.

"P-princess? Are you okay?" The man exclaimed, reaching out to catch her as she fell from her mount. The only response was the sound of her wheezing which was lost to the wind. As careful as he could, he jumped onto his own steed and rode hard towards town.


When a heavy set man on a horse barged into town with a woman limper than a wet rag, Kenneth knew something was not right. The girls face was deathly pale, but her caramel colored hair told him that she was the princess. She wasn't carrying any weapons, or the royal seal, but he was certain it was her. For two days he remained at her side, waiting for her to awaken. So far, she'd only stirred once, and that was hours ago.

He sank down to the rough wooden floor and placed his head against the pine wall. Sighing to himself, he thought about how much she meant to him, even though they'd never met before. But she's Princess Harlow. And your Kenneth, the servant boy of a wealthy family- half the time they don't even know where he is, and they couldn't ever get his name right- the soothing 'ping' of the rain hitting the slate tiles on the roof eventually lulled him to sleep.

Heyy guys. So I finished my essay for English and earlier in the day I was going through my old tablet (getting it ready to give to my dad) and I had this app called MyBinder (love it by the way, you can add as many 'notebooks' as you like and each one has 5 tabs) and this is one of the stories that was in there. It's actually where quite a few of my stories have come from that have been put on Wattpad. So the first like four chapers will just be copy and paste into here, I'll still try and update a few other stories.

Well, I'm off to watch the movi Yesterday, so see you all later.

Book Lover out.

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