The Party: Part 2

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Jacks POV

Jack had to spend most of the time mentaly crossing her fingers that none of the newcomers would bring up the dreaded topic of her disappearance. Thankfully, the topic never came up. That may or may have not been because of Jack sitting by herself in a corner and, when she did have to talk to people, always steering the conversation away from herself.

She was very happy to see Alex playing soccer with the other kids out on the lawn. It took a while, but since getting back to school late last November, Alex had slowly begun to enjoy himself again. He still had Tom, of course, and Jack is eternally grateful. she had him to thank for getting Alex to join in with their classmates, talk to others, follow Tom to meet with other kids, and even rejoin the football team.

Jack watched as Alex made a goal for the boys team, and then become surrounded by the other kids. Jack couldn't help but worry about what they were talking about and what questions Alex was being asked, but dismissed the thought. Alex could handle a couple questions, right?

Jack then noticed the hot dogs and burgers were ready, and went to quickly get her plate. As she sat back down, the kids were coming back from the yard.

Alex POV

Alex went over to the table and got a plate of food. He quickly went over to where he saw Jack sitting.

"Hay, Al, how'd the game go?" she asked

"Alright. The kids aren't that bad. Just a little...curious, I guess"

Before Jack could answer back, a woman Alex remembered, from quick introductions by the door, as Jack's cousin, Erin, came over to their table.

"Hey Jackie! Alright if I sit here with you?" she asked

"Sure," Jack answered. There were a few moments of silence as Erin settled in.

"So, Alex, you really only got a chance to introduce yourself earlier. Would you mind telling me a bit about yourself? How's your school going?" she asked. From the earlier introduction, Alex realized she was a very nice but curious person, and he figured he would have to talk to some of the new adults sooner or later.

"Well, school's good, I get mostly 80s and 90s, i guess. I'm on the football, or soccer team, with my friend Tom. not really much else to say." Alex said, giving her an honest answer.

"That's good. What classes are you taking?"

This conversation went on for the rest of the time Alex was eating, (AN- AKA, the author is too lazy to write out the rest of the conversation). Alex continued giving out a mix of truths and half lies. After all, he couldn't answer a question like 'do you have a job? What is it?' 100% honestly.

After eating, Alex ended up being dragged to different friends and relatives by Jack. All was going fine, until Jack's uncle Tom asked what happened to his parents.

He answered well enough.

"When I was a baby, they were in a plane crash." was his answer. Alex was hoping to leave it there, but the older man kept asking questions.

"Why weren't you with them? They must've left their baby alone"

"Well, I was with a sitter. I had an ear infection, and I was going to meet them a few days later. Once my sitter got the news, she brought me to my uncle."

"Well, what happened to him?"

"He died about a year and a half ago, in a car crash."

"You were with Jackie then, right? Man, your family doesn't travel with kids a lot."

This is when Alex started feeling a little ...disconnected, you could say. It seems that whenever someone asks him a lot about his family, or anything that reminds him of his...job...he feels this way, and needs to take some time away. It also didn't help that this man was being somewhat disrespectful to his late parents and uncle.

"He left me because he was on a business trip. He was an international banker" Alex said, almost robotically. "If you'll excuse me, I need to...use the restroom." He added quickly, and turned to go indoors.

After the talk he had with the immediate family earlier, and all the questions and talking from everyone else, he was overwhelmed. All these simple questions and memories kept connecting to others. Mom and Dad dying in a plane crash brings up Scorpia, Scorpia brings up...well you can guess all the different memories and feelings floating around in his head. And it didn't help that these all were right at the surface after that talk earlier.

Alex went into the bathroom and closed the door. Then, he slid down on the wall and slid to sit on the floor, and tried to take deep breaths and think of anything else.

Jack's POV

Jack noticed when Alex basically ran inside.

She saw that he was talking to her uncle, Tom. She didn't know what caused Alex to retreat inside, but, knowing her uncle, she would bet he had something to do with it.

Jack went over to ask what happened

"Hay, Jackie! Interesting kid you got there." The man said, spoting his necie.

"Ya, well, he's had an...interesting life. What were you two talking about before he went inside?"

"Well, I was asking him about his family. Sounded like a crazy bunch, all of them."

"That crazy bunch was his family, half of them he never knew! Please tell me you didn't insult them in front of him."

"I just said it's funny that his parents and uncle all died when they left him at home while they went on vacation."

Jack took a breath to tried to stay calm.. She knew she couldn't yell at her uncle in front of their whole family.

"they weren't on vacation, and You cant say that about someone's dead family! Especially Alex's."

There was a short pause and staring match.

Jack won, and Tom looked down and sighed.

"I guess I could've kept some thoughts to myself."

"Ya, but you never do. Ever since I can remember."

"True. when he comes back, i'll apologize."

"No, you shouldnt bring it up again. Ill tell him for you."

After that, Jack turned to go inside to look for Alex. luckly, she didn't have to go far. He was already heading back outside.

"Hey, bud. I talked to Tom. he realized he was being rude. You alright?"

"Ya, I'm fine. Just...a lot of talking about me. Not something I like to do."

"I know, but you're meeting new people. It's something everyone has to do."

"Well, I'm fine now. I'm heading back out now."

"Alright. Come get me if you need anything. People will be leaving soon anyways."

The rest of the party went fine. Tom and the others backed off on the questions, and Jack could tell Alex was beginning to feel comfortable. 

the guests began to leave, and by the time everyone left, it was a little after 6. The rest of the day went off without a hitch. 

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