Going Back Home

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Alex's POV

Alex woke up to the sound of the water running in the bathroom next door. He rolled over and saw that Jack's bed was empty, telling him that she could be the culprit of the noise from the bathroom.

He got up and changed into jean shorts and a green t-shirt quickly, seeing as Jack could come back from the bathroom at any time.

Sure enough, 10 seconds after he finished getting dressed, the door was opened, and Jack came in.

"Morning! You started packing yet?" she asked.

"Packed most everything last night. Just a few things left" Alex answered

"Alright. I think pretty much everyone is up, eating breakfast downstairs. Come down when you're ready."

"Alright. I'll be down in a minute."

Jack's POV

True to his word, Alex came downstairs only a few minutes behind Jack.

The other 4 adults had made pancakes and eggs for breakfast, and everyone was already in the middle of the meal. The 3 kids were yelling and laughing, and the adults were having meaningless conversations. Soon, everyone was full, and Jack and Alex went back up to the room to pack.

It was 9:30 by the time they were ready to go, on time for their 11:30 flight. The rest of the house was in the living room, ready to say goodbye.

Jack's dad Don was the first to speak, after stepping forward to give light hugs

"Now stay out of trouble, you two. I don't want another stranger knocking at my door." he said

"We'll be carefull, dad. Right Alex?" Jack turned and gave a knowing look to the boy

"I'll try my best" he answered with a smile

"Good enough for me" Don said

Next was Jack's mom Victoria with

"Now, remember, you can call every once and awhile. We all have phones" she said jokingly.

"We'll call more often. I promise." Jack told her mom.

Brooke chimed in as well

"And we'd love to have you visit our place. Or maybe we could come to london! That would be fun!"

"Maybe someday" Jack told her sister, and went to give her a hug

After saying goodbye, Jack and Alex went out to their rental car and, after putting their 2 bags in the trunk, left for the airport.

The pair made it through security without a problem and boarded the plane. After 7 hours of reading, watching movies, listening to music, eating airplane food, and more, Jack and Alex were back in London. With the time change, it was now 1:30 in the night. Jack found the car in the overnight(s) parking lot where she left it.

They got to the house by 2:30 and, despite being awake for no more than 12 hours, Alex went right up the stairs to his bed. This wasn't surprising to Jack. She figured that with the stress of meeting new people who are constantly asking questions, and telling some of those new people a...simplified...version of his life story must have stressed him out, making him tired.

Jack went to bed shortly after, feeling proud of Alex for how he handled the trip, and happy that he may have found more family. 


I know its short, but I hope its an OK ending

Anyone want a sequel? Maybe Jack's sister coming to them? 

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