- lie detector -

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in which natalie takes a lie detector test and everyone finds out she has a crush on david. but later natalie finds out david feels the same way... 

"Have you ever had a crush on David? Recently or in the past." Jason asked pointing his camera directly at me and kept switching it from me to Dave then back to me. I started breathing heavily and everyone's eyes were on me. Jason had been being me to do a lie detector test for months and I finally gave in thinking it would not be that bad. But, it really was.

"No." I tried to calm my breathing and answer somewhat confidently hoping John would not pick up on my lie.

He did and my nightmare came true, "That's a lie." He said pointing at the huge spikes in my breathing, heart rate, and sweating. The room paused and stared at me waiting for me to deny it. 

I sat with my mouth in shock for a few seconds and then said, "Are you sure?" I looked at John waiting for an answer. I fake chuckled to make it seem less like I was lying and less the tension in the room.

"Very." He turned the laptop around to show me the spikes.

"Haha," I awkwardly laughed and added, ", it must not be working..."

"Natalie? You have something to tell me" He joked and everyone laughed, pointing cameras at me. I couldn't take it. I ripped the equipment of me, ran into my room, and locked my door. The whole house went silent other than the slam of my door. I flopped on my bed and had a lowkey anxiety attack. After a few minutes, everyone started filming and asking questions again. I calmed down thinking everyone must have forgotten until I heard a soft knock on the door, "Natalie?" David said softly. I could not deny that I was in love with David Dobrik. And couldn't not open the door knowing he sincerely was sorry. I walked slowly over to the door and opened it slowly. It revealed a David Dobrik sitting with his back towards my door resting on it. He quickly stood up and looked at me. "Are you.. okay?" He asked almost whispering.

I looked down at my shoes knowing he did not forget about what just happened. "..Yeah," I could not look him in the eyes. 

"Can I come in?" He asked, when I nodded slowly he walked in and sat on my bed. After closing the door I walked over and sat next to him. "Natalie, ever since Vernon Hi-"

"-Dave... I don't wanna ruin anything..."

"Natalie Noel Mariduena," I looked him in the eyes when he said my full name, "I love you."

"Are you- Dave? Wait- What?"

"I love you." He repeated.

I looked him in the eyes, "I think I love you too..."

"Let's test that." He put an arm around my waist and pulled me closer he pressed his lips against mine like in almost every dream I have ever had about him. I pulled away and looked me in the eyes, "So, do you?"

"David Julian Dobrik," I looked him in the eyes as his cheeks began to glow bright red, I answered him, "I love you too." This time I pressed my lips against his and this might sound cheesy or cliche but, it felt like time itself stopped at that moment, nothing else in the world mattered other than me and David loving each other.

datalie - david dobrik ♡ natalie noel - one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now