Chapter 3

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"HYAAA!" I cried... again.

"__________... It's just a lousy Caterpie! Nothing to be afraid of..."

"Shut up, Green," I mumbled as I threw out a Pokéball, trembling. As the ball stopped moving, I inched forward and grabbed the Pokéball, stashing it away with my other Pokémon after I had registered it to my Pokédex.

"I take it you're afraid of Bug Pokémon?" Red asked.

"Haha, yeah," Green answered, laughing.

I responded by kicking him in the shin. As he was (rather comically) hopping on one foot while holding the other, I pointed to an opening. "Hey, guys, look!"

We all ran through, leaving the Viridian Forest to find that we were at the entrance to Pewter City.

"Pewter City Gym, here we come!"


"Whew! I'm beat, I'd say that was enough activity for today..." I said, slumping in fatigue. I had been able to beat Brock's team with my own burgeoning team, and later in the day Red and Green had done the same, impressing the leader.

"Me too," Red said. "Let's set up camp."

As Green and I set up the two tents, Red started a fire. "All right, a campfire!" I exclaimed excitedly.

Red started to get food supplies out of his Bag. "I'll make something good... I did a bunch of research to make meals that taste good and are reasonably healthy with stuff that's easy to travel with."

"Okay, nerd," Green teased. Soon, he caught me gazing dreamily at Red, who was concentrated on his task. "Like a guy who cooks, eh, __________?"

"Shut up," I said again, because, of course, he was right.

Later, everyone got into their pajamas and gathered around the fire. We talked about the day, our venture through the Viridian Forest and our defeats of Brock. Before long, the sun was completely gone and it was time for bed. I sent Eevee out of his Pokéball so we could snuggle.

"'Night, guys!" I called out as I crawled in my tent. Green and Red responded by repeating what I had said, and going in their tent.

About a few hours later, when it was still nighttime, I woke up and heard the two boys chatting. Curious, I got out of my tent and crept close to theirs to investigate.

"I don't know... does she like me?" I heard Red say.

I heard Green chuckle. I gasped. They're totally talking about me. Don't tell, don't tell, don't tell, Green, if you tell Red I like him, I'll... I thought.

"Your guess is as good as mine," Green said. I breathed a sigh of relief. "So, I'm stuck on this level on Donkey Kong..."

I slowly went back to my tent and snuggled up in my sleeping bag. I didn't think much about why Red would be asking if I liked him, falling back asleep quickly.


"Come on, please? Can't we stop at the Game Corner?" Green whined.

"Fine," I sighed in exasperation.

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