Episode 8

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Beberapa saat kemudian hujan mulai berhenti dan mereka melanjutkan perjalanan.

"Dilan, masih jauh ya tempatnya?". Tanya Milea

"Sabar donk Lia, segala hal sesuatu yang ingin di tuju harus bersabar". Jawab Dilan

"Oh oke deh, aku akan sabar menunggu". Seru Milea

Setelah melakukan perjalanan yang cukup lama, akhirnya mereka sampai juga di tempat tujuan.

"Alhamdulillah sampai juga, Milea Ayuk turun". Ucap Dilan

"Bener kata kamu Dilan, kalau ingin mencapai tujuan harus bersabar". Jawab Milea

"Ya sudah ayuk masuk". Sahut Dilan

Mereka berdua masuk ke sebuah museum

"Dilan kita ada dimana?". Tanya Milea

"Selamat datang di Museum 3 Dimensi". Jawab Dilan

"Maksudnya?". Kata Milea

"Kita sekarang ada di Museum lukisan 3 Dimensi Lia". Jawab Dilan

"Oh". Ucap Milea

"Ya sudah yuk kita lihat lihat". Sahut Dilan

Mereka berdua melihat-lihat lukisan sambil mengelilingi Museum

"Wah Dilan, Lukisan ini bagus banget, kayak benar benar nyata!". Ucap Milea

"Gimana seru kan disini?". Tanya Dilan

"Iya, seru banget". Jawab Milea

"Kamu tau ga perbedaan kamu dengan lukisan?". Tanya Dilan

"Ga, memangnya apa Dilan?". Jawab Milea

"Kalo lukisan makin lama makin antik, kalo kamu makin lama makin cantik". Kata Dilan

Mendengar kata kata tersebut, Milea tersenyum dan ingin Dilan terus bersamanya, namun Lia sadar bahwa mereka telah putus sejak kematian Akew. Setelah mereka puas mengelilingi museum merekapun melakukan perjalanan kembali. Hari telah siang, mereka mencari tempat makan. Setelah mereka berkeliling mencari makan akhirnya mereka makan di kedai atau yang sering di sebut dengan Warteg

"Milea, maaf ya kita hanya bisa makan di warteg, bukannya di restoran mewah". Ucap Dilan

"Gpp Dilan yang penting berangkat senang pulang pun juga tetap senang". Jawab Milea

"Terima kasih ya Lia, cuman kamu yang bisa ngertiin kondisi aku". Sahut Dilan

"Sama sama Dilan, oh ya habis ini kita kemana?". Tanya Milea

"Sebelum melanjutkan ke tempat selanjutnya, kita harus menuruti nasihat orang tua kita dulu". Jawab Dilan

"Emang apa nasihatnya?". Ucap Milea

"Loh kok kamu lupa sih, wkwkwk, nasihat itu "jangan lupa salat", bentar lagi kan Zuhur, kita cari masjid/mushola untuk salat". Jawab Dilan

"Oh ya lupa, hehehehe maaf". Seru Milea

"Hadeh masih muda udah lupa, ya udah gpp yuk, Bu pinten Iki? (Berapa ini?)". Kata Dilan

"sèket ewu kabeh (semuanya lima puluh ribu)". Jawab ibu pemilik warteg

"iki dhuwit, matur nuwun ibu (ini uangnya, terima kasih bu)". Kata Dilan

"Ya sudah yuk Lia, kita berangkat". Ucap Dilan

"Ayuk". Sahut Milea

"Pegangan yang erat ya, soalnya mau ngebut". Jawab Dilan

Mereka berdua pun berangkat mencari masjid

Translate In English

Moments later the rain stopped and they continued on.

"Dilan, is there still a long way?" Asked Milea

"Patience, Lia, everything that you want to go to must be patient". Answered Dilan

"Oh okay, I'll wait patiently". Exclaimed Milea

After traveling for a long time, they finally arrived at their destination.

"Thank God, too, Milea Ayuk came down". Said Dilan

"Really, you say Dilan, if you want to reach the goal you have to be patient". Answered Milea

"Yes, let's go in". Dilan replied

They both enter a museum

"Where is our Dilan?" Asked Milea

"Welcome to the 3-D Museum". Answered Dilan

"What do you mean?" Said Milea

"We are now at the Lia 3D Museum." Answered Dilan

"Oh". Said Milea

"Let's see, let's see." Dilan replied

They both looked at the paintings while circling the Museum

"Wah Dilan, this painting is really good, like really real!". Said Milea

"How exciting is it right here?" Asked Dilan

"Yes, it's really exciting". Answered Milea

"Do you know how different you are from paintings?" Asked Dilan

"No, what is Dilan?" Answered Milea

"The more antique the paintings get, the more beautiful you get, the more beautiful". Said Dilan

Hearing those words, Milea smiled and wanted Dilan to continue with her, but Lia realized that they had broken up since Akew's death. After they were satisfied surrounding the museum they also made a trip back. It was noon, they were looking for a place to eat. After they went around looking for food they finally ate at the shop or often called Warteg

"Milea, sorry we can only eat in warteg, not in fancy restaurants". Said Dilan

"Gpp Dilan, who is important to go, happy to go home, is also still happy". Answered Milea

"Thank you, Lia, it's only you who can understand my condition". Dilan replied

"It's the same as Dilan, oh where are we going after this?" Asked Milea

"Before proceeding to the next place, we must follow the advice of our parents first". Answered Dilan

"What is his advice?" Said Milea

"Why did you forget anyway, wow, that advice" don't forget to pray ", right next Zuhur, we'll look for mosques / prayer rooms for prayer". Answered Dilan

"Oh yeah forget, hehehehe sorry". Exclaimed Milea

"Hadeh is still young, I have forgotten, okay? Thank you, Mrs. Pinten Iki? (How much is this?)" Said Dilan

"Sèket ewu kabeh (fifty thousand in all)". Answer the owner of the warteg

"iki dhuwit, thank you mom (this is the money, thank you mom)". Said Dilan

"Come on, Lia, let's go". Said Dilan

"Let's". Replied Milea

"Hold on tight, it's about speeding." Answered Dilan

They both went to look for the mosque

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