A Cold Night.

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Notes: oooooof it's been forever sorry
I haven't actually written this much and had this much fun writing wow it's been awhile
i honestly miss my babies a lottt hhh
they are just a bunch of anxious dorky teenagers you can't change my mind
anyways this was for valentines day but im late oops
also I tried to use 1st person with the perspectives going back and forth between Star and Marco
Hope you enjoy!

(this is a slight au where star lives with her aunt Eclipsa, uncle Globgor and Meteora on earth
both 14 in this
uhhh i guess Mariposa is born earlier in this au??
basically Star and Marco wait for their respective dates but they don't show up so they hang out instead)

It was a cold night.


Star's pov:

I trembled, the strong winds really were cold tonight!
Maybe I should've listened to Eclipsa when she said to grab that coat haha...
Oh, I wonder when Oskar will be here!!
I wonder what we'll do!!
Maybe...drink hot cocoa or...make music together!

I blew warm air into my hands, the steam gently floating up like whisps into the air.

It's probably getting pretty late now hmm, maybe I should ask for the time?

"H-Hey! What's the t-time?" I asked brightly, my teeth chattering a bit.

The stranger next to me looked quite alarmed but tried to recover quickly, bringing his phone out.

Marco's pov:

"U-Umm its 6:50 pm," I mumbled out awkwardly, my face flushing a bit.

"Cool! Thanks!!" the bubbly girl next to me responded.

I couldn't help but be a bit surprised at my own words.


I wonder why Jackie's not here yet.
I checked my messages again, hoping that Alonso and Ferg weren't kidding about the date...again.

Ugh. I always fall for these dumb tricks.

But...maybe she was just taking some time to get here or...maybe she got lost?

Ugh, c'mon Marco! You know it's probably just some cruel prank again! Who'd go on a date with a loser like you!

I sighed in defeat deciding to just head home, Janna would have a ball with teasing me about this later...

As I got up, I realized the girl right next to me seemed to be chattering her teeth loudly, her breath rising up into the dark sky.

Hmm...I wonder why the girl next to me didn't bring a jacket.

Did she forget? It's much too cold to be able to forget about that!

...maybe I should help her out....

Star's pov:

Ugh! Why does it have to be so cold!!!
I sneezed for like, the 30th time and just gripped my shoulders tighter, trying to stay as warm as possible.

Where is he??

I checked my phone after hearing a small "beep!" arise.

Oskar 6:55 pm :
"Hey sorry dude I think you have the wrong number"

"I don't remember talking to anyone named Star"

I just stared at the screen, trying to gather my emotions.

Random Svtfoe oneshots!Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang