Chaper 1 Meeting

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All this started with a girl I thought would understand my "superpower" ( as she put it) She told everyone what I could do, at first no one believed her until this kid named Tyler Higgans said he had a similar ability, but never specified how similar. Somehow in all this mess, I met Alex Cole and Sarah Higgans, (who at the time were a couple and they were really cute together). Soon after I met Alex and Sarah I met Brody Who I didn't know was Tyler's twin sister and Sarah's younger sister. Well, now you know all my friends' time to get to the worst part. It was after my second-period class almost a week after everything went down. I was walking to geometry and this guy starts following me through the halls, I feel uneasy like the world is going to end, I stopped walking and he stopped walking I turned down a hallway that no one except me takes. I know this cause I sit in the hallway when I don't want to go to class. He was still behind me and that's when I knew I was dead. I turned around to at least see who it was that was going to pummel me. it was a guy I only knew cause he was the guy that was with my old girlfriend. his name is Jacob Smith he's a junior, the only class I have with him is my last period. "this one is for Jeniffer" then he punched me in the stomach, it didn't just hurt it stung like a soccer ball hitting you straight in the gut. I fell to my knees trying to push through the pain to stand back up. " come on punk, fight back with your 'superpower'. come on I'm ready, what are you going to do." I got up and shifted just my fist and hit him with all I had left. He stumbled back into the wall a few feet behind him. I looked at him and then at my hand, I got scared and ran off to the bathroom where he wouldn't find me. I hear " where are you, you little shit. where the fuck did you go" I sat there and waited a good half an hour waiting for him to be gone for good and then I left, I didn't just leave the bathroom I left the school for the day cause I knew he would be waiting for me after every class. I got home a little after the fifth period, I took the key from my pocket, I twist the lock and open the door, I call out to make sure no ones home, thankfully my dog ran over to me like he had waited for me the whole time I was gone. "hi Toby how you doin boy. I know I'm home early, let go for a walk to get you some fresh air. " I pulled his leash from the wall and attached it to toby's collar and walk outside again and lock the door, we walked down the street, then to the park. we walked past a statue of the town hero, the one they called the giant, but it was really my father. we walked back to the house and I grabbed a snack and gave Toby one of his treats. I sat down and waited for the call from the school saying I was absent for my last two classes. Then I went to the store to get the week's groceries. The great thing about your parents being the heroes of the town, you get a good amount of their money. Bad part I can't do anything major with it till I'm 18 

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