Chapter 9

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{Abby's POV}

That was it.  I heard it straight from Zayn...

And, we will be leaving for Italy the day after tomorrow -Tuesday.

Now, I'm writing a letter for Ela. I will confess it to her through this letter.  I cannot do it personally because I am too ashamed of what I did to her.


Dear Ela,

  Zayn must have told you that I have something important to confess to you.  It might be surprising to your part knowing that we are best friends and I haven't told you about this.  But first, let me say sorry first.  Sorry that I have been avoiding you these past weeks.  The reason of that is what I am going to confess to you later in this letter.  Sorry that I made you jealous.  Sorry Ela, I'm very sorry.  

We have been best friends since Grade school.  We have been into different circumstances.  We cried, we laughed, we did funny things and most of all, we shared memories.  Choosing you as my best friend was a brilliant decision.  We spent most of our childhood together. I wanted write more about our friendship but I’m not going to do that because you already know why you’re my best friend, duuh... If you didn’t, we probably wouldn’t have remained friends all these years. 6 years? 9 years? I actually have no idea.

Thank you for taking care of me in every way possible, for being there when no one else was or wanted to be and when you didn’t even have to be. Everyone has those friends who are close but not really; who you always feel kind of awkward and weird about asking for help and like you have to clarify you’ll do them some kind of favor in return, but you’re not one of those. You were and are there for everything, no bargaining or explanations needed.

Thank you for doing all the things a real best friend does; for letting me sob into your shoulder when I need to and handing me the flask when there aren’t any more words. Thank you for always knowing who I am and reminding me of that when I forget. Thank you for being genuinely concerned with the outcome of my life and always listening, even when you’re tired. Thank you for telling me the things no one wants to hear and sparing the bullshit advice. I can’t think of many other people I’d actually take a bullet for.

Now, enough of those cheesy words.  I will tell you the main thing.




What I am going to confess to you is that...


I like Zayn as much as you like him.  

Shocking & surprising, right?


Yeah.  Once again, sorry that I did not tell you about this.  You confessed first to me that you had a crush on Zayn that's why I held my feelings back.  I developed this feeling since we were in grade school.  I want you to be happy. I don't want to compete with you. Do you get my point Ela?

But the last few weeks, I can't take it anymore.  I thought selfishly.  I got so jealous when you and Zayn sat beside each other and the two of you talked and did stuff.  I got totally jealous when he chose you as his partner.  You may be wondering why I let you sat beside him and I chose a different partner, even if it makes me jealous, that is because I want you to be happy.  I want my best friend to be happy...

That's it. That is my confession.

I have one more important to say to you Ela.  On Tuesday, we will be heading out to Italy.  Probably, we will stay there for good like we would live there and have a new life there.




Maybe after you read this, you would hate me.  I already expected that.  I understand. I know what you are feeling.

I want to keep our friendship Ela.  It's with you if you still want to keep this friendship of ours. I caused you pain.  Our friendship meant everything to us but I did something to severe our bonds.

  Sorry Ela. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry. Sorry.

If you receive this letter, that means we already left for Italy.

Bye Ela~Sorry~I love you 

Your bestfriend,

-Abigail Prescott

P.S. You and Zayn are meant for each other <3 Zayn likes you too and you like him.  You are meant for each other. I know you are very happy about this now. Your dreams are coming true.  Do not let Zayn get away from you.  And………………………….. You know what I mean! 


I folded the letter and put it in an envelope.  I inserted one picture of Ela and I wearing bikinis which was taken last summer.

I smiled.  I will totally miss her - her laugh, her corny jokes, her exaggerated expressions and all.


Niall's POV

All the days I and Ela had spent were so fun.  We always talk on the phone - every night. We get to know each other day by day.  We always spend time each other and do stuff.

She told me everything about Zayn.  I always comforted her and told her that everything will be ok. 

I like her but she likes another person.  Yes, it hurts me but I'm doing it for her because I am only the one left on her side.  I am her only friend this time.


Boring right? Plus, it sucked. lol

I really am not in the mood to write.


"Little Things" will be out tomorrow. Aaaaaaaah, can't wait.

Twitter: @evilmiguelito


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