Chapter 11

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Ela's POV

When I made my way home, I read Zayn's reply.

From Zayn <3

"Touché.  Aha :)) x LOVE is a strong and powerful word babe.  Misspelling it, for me, means like the word is losing its power and essence.  :D Go to your class now, the bell rang already.  I love you! xx."


Someone hold me. Like now.  I'm about to explode.

That was cute!


I swear I'm going to be a puddle of Ela on the sidewalk now.  

Zayn is so lovely and adorable! 

I noticed I was smiling like an idiot in the sidewalk.  People must had seen my face because they are giving me the "look".

"THEY SEE ME ROLLIN', THEY HATIN'" I shouted a little bit louder than I wanted to. 

This is Zayn we are talking to.  You could not just have a poker face when you read a very sweet message from the one and only boy you loved yano!

I continued to walk towards home when I received a new text from Zayn, my loves.

From Zayn <3

"I'll pick you up at 6! xx cant wait to see ya, love you babe!"


He just texted me "i love you" for the 3rd time today.  AH-AH-AH-AH ASDFGHJKL

I replied.

To Zayn <3

"Cant wait to see you too! Love you more xx"

It's 3:15.  I still have two hours and forty-five minutes - to be exact - to prepare.

I went home and had a 30-minute sleep before preparing myself for the date.  I am so nervous but extremely excited.  Breathe Ela. Breathe. You two are just going out. 

I told mom about the date and she was so happy.  

"So Zayn is finally yours huh." She said while hugging me.  

"Yup." I replied. I and Mom talked about everything that had happened with Abby, Zayn and all.  After our conversations, I decided to get started.

I showered, cleaned, relaxed myself and shaved my "areas".  I made up my mind to shave just to be prepared if things get hot tonight like I mean, my v-card...  I bit my lip.  I did not just think of that.  Bad Ela, bad. I shrug off those pervy thoughts.

  I chose my outfit.  I decided to go casual - black skinny jeans, sleeveless red tops, and white stilettos.  I put up a light make up and curled my hair.    I put on some glittery bracelets and a pair of earrings.  

5:45. I’ve got fifteen more minutes.

I checked myself on the mirror and got satisfied.  I got my iPhone and opened the Twitter app.  I sent a new tweet,

"I love this day!  So excited for something tonight! xx"

I shoved my phone into my pockets, grabbed my white blazer and went down to the living room.

"You are so beautiful Ela." I heard Mom say behind me.  

"Thank you Mom!" I hugged her.

I heard a knock on the door.  

"That must be Zayn." Mom said.

I walked to the door and opened it.

Boom! My ovaries made small explosions inside of me.

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