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Kid Natsu's POV🔥

Today is my first day of school. I was adopted by Iggy ( Igneel ) and Deena (Grandeena). And I'm so excited but scared. Iggy and Deena walked me in class. When we were in front of the class the teacher told me to introduce myself. So I did " Hi I'm Natsu Dwagneel " I said the other kids didn't care which made me sad. Iggy and Deena left me at the school. Suddenly a golden haired girl walked up to me and smiled and said "Hi I'm Lucy heartfwilia " She said with a smile on her gorgeous face. I felt like me heart was going to beat out of my chest and my face felt hot " H-h-hi " I said with a smile and a red face smiled and said " Let's best friends forever " I smiled and said " Y-yeah. And from that day on we were and till one day " Hi Natsu I have to tell you something important...

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