Visiting the other villeges chapter 4

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Hokage office
A there is a bright yellow light when the   light faded there was a letter on 3rds desk. On the letter I said to the 3rd from Naruto. The 3rd opened the letter and it's said. Hi lord 3rd we are coming back in 6 mouths we are going to visit the other village's and meet there jinchuuriki and Kage of the other villages were are coming back after that and hope the paper work is fun and tip use shadow clones to do them so you can be with your grandson bye from Naruto and the rest of us and we met Jiraiya. Tsunade decided to join us bye. Well I guess Naruto isn't coming back for another 6 months we'll have to get a welcome back party for when he does come back tho.

Time skip 1 week at the entrance to sand village
When Naruto arrives he sees Gaara going on a rampage. He runs past the guards and he runs straight to shukaku. Kid no you will die if you don't stop the 4 Kazekage. Naruto didn't hear him and ran straight up to shukaku and touched his forehead head and he went back in Gaara. The kazekage was chocked to see what happened and was glad the rampage stop. The kazekage walk up to the kid when he saw he was still holding Gaara's forehand and wondered what was happening. Then he heard a voice he's helping Gaara get Shukaku under control but you're going to have to ask him for details.

In Naruto and Garaa's mind shukaku was being yelled at by the sage of six paths. After an hour of this Shukaku finally submitted and apologized to Garaa and promised the sage he was going to help Garra and stop going on rampages.

Outside Naruto and Garaa's mind.
Naruto removed his has and from Garaa's forehead when the kazekage said did you fix the problem with Shukaku. Yes It did I fixed your problem by letting Shukaku get yelled at by his dad who is the sage of six paths Naruto said. Ooo okay how can I repay you the kazekage said confused. You can repay me by training me in wind style for one and a half months. Okay kid I'll train you in wind style but if Garaa goes on a rampage you will stop him okay the Kazekage said . Sure Naruto said.

1 and a half months later
Naruto was walking out of the sand village and he was happy with what he had accomplished during his time at the sand and he tough back at his training in wind style

Naruto has been instructed to split a leaf in half to start his training. Naruto created 100 shadow clones and all of them work hard to get the leaf to split in half. It had taken him 1 week to master it.
Flashback ended

Naruto had been instructed to split the water fall with the wind chakra and he made another 100 clones to speed up the process so he could start to learn some basic wind techniques before he had to leave it took him 2 weeks to master it.

Flashback ended

Naruto had started to learn som basic wind jutsus so he could at least get the basic done before he had to leave the sand village. He had had it so fun hanging out with Garaa and his siblings and they had become really good friends and he was sad he had to leave them. But he had promised to write to them ones every month and that he would meet them again.
Flashback ended

Mom dad were are we going next Naruto ask minato and kushina. We're going to the cloud village next and hopefully master the basic or lighting Minato said. Okay dad Naruto responded. Naruto Tsunade said. What grandma. I'm heeding to the leaf to get a new house for all of us when you return it should be ready Tsunade said.
Okay grandma but I'm going to miss you Naruto said. I'm going to miss you to bye Tsunade said. Bye Naruto said.

Time skip a half a week
Out side the entrance to the cloud was Naruto waiting for an answer from the Raikage if he could stay in the cloud and train in lightning style for a while. The raikage said I could stay if I was a jinchuuriki or the son of Minato Namikaze. Well mister raikage sir I am the son of Minato and I am a jinchuuriki Naruto said sure got any prof of benign any of them the raikage said. Yhea I do as Naruto actives the nine tales clock and summoned Minato witch surprised the raikage. But how are you so far from the leaf if you're there hero's son and there jinchuuriki the raikage ask Naruto. Ooo that's because I was experimented on and everyone except the 3 in my village hates me and after a such bad experience I got to leave for 2 years Naruto said to the raikage who was angry because he saw Minato as an equally. Well you're welcome here anytime boy the raikage said. Thanks what's your name my name is Naruto said Naruto. My name is A Naruto nice to meet you and I will happily tech you lightning style A said. Thanks A Naruto said.

A/N doing time skip to when he leaves each village because then i can go more in to detail when I need to later in the story

Naruto was leavening the cloud today and he was sad but promised to send letters to Bee A and Yugito.

Naruto was training in controlling lightning styles first step which was to make a leaf wrinkle in to a ball. Naruto created 100 shadow clones and with all that it took him a week to master.

Flashback ended
Naruto was at the second step and it was to balance a leaf on a lightning bolt between your hands. This was hard to do and it took normal genins month to master but thanks to Naruto having shadow clones he did it in 2 weeks with 100 shadow clones. After that he hade 3 weeks to train in lightning jutsu.
Flashback ended

Naruto was walking to the mist village to train in Kenjutsu and why not go to the mist to train sense the have an elite group of only swords man

When Naruto got to the mist he met there Kage who was under a genjutsu witch he broke. And as a favor the misukage let him get trained by 2 members of the 7 swordsman of the mist. Zabusa and kisame.

Time skip
Was walking out of the mist and saying farewell to his master and promised to write about his progress to them and if he needed help they would give him tips.

Naruto had started his training in Kenjutsu by sparing with his own clones wiles zabusa and kisame absurd and told him what he needed to practice on. This took Naruto 4 weeks to master.
Flashback ended
Flashback Naruto was training in Kenjutsu when he realized that it was only good for close range when he thought he could make som special attack that was long rage. He was training a lot when suddenly he managed to shot a beam of a light mad from friction from the sword and he kept training it for a long time because he had nothing to go off of him was all by him self. So he decided to make a hundred shadow clones to train and he was also training in protect his Kenjutsu style and make it stronger. He was auto of breath every day until he was ready to pack he calmed down his training a little bit.
Flashback ended

So zabusa do you ever need help I will help as long is not conflicting with a mission I will get when I become a ninja. And here throw it if the misukage starts acting weird again or if you need my help. Bye I will write to you and kisame.

So are we going to the stone next Dad Naruto said. Yeah how did you know Minato ask. We'll we have bin to every other great village so I just guessed we were going to the stone to Naruto said. Well let's get a move on now shall we.

Time skip 3 days
Naruto arises at the stone. Hi can I train earth jutsus here for one and a half months Naruto ask. No the guards said. Why Naruto ask. The only people allowed to enter are the people of the stone client's our ninjas Kages on important meetings and the fourth hokage son because the 4th was good friends with our current Kage the guard's said. But I am the 4th son Naruto said. No you're not the guard's said. Well ask him you're self as Naruto summons Minato Naruto said. Ooo we're sorry sir will take you to are Kage the guard's replied.

1 hour later
Naruto hade explain everything to the tsuchikage and he let Naruto stay in the stone and gave him a scroll on earth style.

Flashback 1 and a half months. Naruto was leavening the stone as he said good by to the tsuchikage and his granddaughter. He thought back in his time in the stone.

Naruto went to a private training ground he was aloud to use and opened the scroll and read it. Naruto made 100 shadow clones and made them try to make a leaf Crumble it took him a 2 weeks to master it. Then he started to make more shadow clones who tried to make a stone crumble this time and it took Naruto 2 weeks. The last 2 weeks Naruto spent getting to know the tsuchikage granddaughter and the tsuchikage more he also trained in som earth jutsus he had a lot of fun in the stone and in the other great village's he thought back to all his friends Gaara Temary Konkuro A Bee Yugito kisame zabusa and now Onoki and Kurotsuchi he would be writing to all of them.

Naruto said good bye to Onoki and Kurotsuchi and started to walk towards the leaf and he was excited to see the real 3rd and to get to know Kakashi And he was super excited to eat ichiraku ramen.

Thank you for reading my story and sorry that it took so long and I will not post here for a while I will have to work on my other story's so at least they get one more chapter on them then a new one on this one check out my other story and comment If you got a question and that's it peace

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